[color=ed1c24]Ved[/color] He turned his attention to Nightmares and growled lowly. [color=9e0b0f]"At least I'm fucking productive, the only thing you're good for is making kids piss their beds. People are efficient when their pissed, they make change. You ever hear of a cultural revolution because a couple of seven-year olds had a bad dream?" [/color] He was almost known for how rude he was, which was in stark contrast to his host, who had grown to be one of the kindest most soft-spoken and gentle people he had ever met. His attention turned quickly back to Secrets, ignoring the comment from it's host and addressing him directly. [color=9e0b0f]"Look prick, I've got half a mind to lock you in a cage with Pain, because you clearly don't know how to help us, otherwise you would have just freed yourself and left us all here to rot, so what's your game tight-lips?"[/color]