Durin didn't actually comprehend that the gnome lady was talking to him. Sounds were coming out of her mouth, but they didn't really fit together to form words that communicated ideas. They just sat there in the air like clouds. Thus, like clouds, they flew right over his head. He was more concerned with finding his way to the elf-lady's shop. He hadn't been there but once and it wasn't the most stand-out building in this district, so he'd need to be vigilant if he was going to find it without passing it and getting lost. The elf-lady's shop was a modest, but sizable building located in between the butchery and the bank, perhaps an intentional location choice on the part of the store owner. It would be a nondescript building constructed of wood and faded red brick had it not had a large anatomically correct heart painted above the door, with a sign posted in front labeled Kayleth's Hospital and Apothecary is flowery script that only an elf would use. It had a few superficial burns and was covered in a layer of ash, but otherwise looked untouched. Durin took one look at the building and spit some phlegm into the dirt before heading in. The inside of the building smelled like a mix of blood, burning substances, sterile chemical, herbs and melted wax all mixed together in one amalgamation that hit the nose hard in such a way that it took several seconds of sustained thought to decipher just what the smell truly was. Behind the counter was the pale, gracefil, but tired looking elf who ran the store. Her hands past the wrist were covered with the stains of blood and her clothes had splatters of all sorts of human fluids on it. Despite this she managed to retain an air of near regalia and warm approachability. She glanced at Durin and Isabeau (assuming she enters the shop right after Durin) once before lifting up the small countertop and waving them to enter the room that lay behind. "It's going to be a bit crowded," she said to them before she directed her attention downward (assuming Tirarrin is in the shop). "Are you injured too? Or are you merely ill? My stock of medicines for illnesses are still quite full. Perhaps some intestinal problems?"