Shawn caught her face in the light she was younger and very pretty despite the conditions of the world. A little thin guessing from the tough times and all. He was glad to know she was from the south and from the look of her, home grown. He took a few small steps into the light so as not to scare her. The fact that two southerners had survived and traveled to the north only to meet was against the longest odds. He was grateful to see another human soul in this god forsaken place. As the light went out on the lamp he had hoped he got to her in time and was the only one that saw the light and heard the singing. He was blind waiting for his eyes to readjust to the night. Widening his stance just in case it was a trap. Three years give or take and now this. It was worth the risk just to talk to someone and share tales. In the army it was what people did to keep their mind off where they were and what they were trained to do. Two people on a post looking out at nothing and sharing tales of what they would do if they were home. When Shawn returned from the base to his home he often wondered why people had stopped talking to each other. Saying hi to a neighbor and just acting like a human instead of a hermit. This would not be an opportunity he would let pass. Especially since she had accepted. He would move slow and not ask too personal a question. Keeping the conversation civil like. He wouldn't do anything threatening. The fact that another person had talked to him Shawn couldn't help but let the warm smile a person gets when they are met with kindness shine like a torch. She became a more impressive figure then lady liberty herself. "Well I know that's right I recon without the southern back drop our slow southern draw would hint at where we're from. I'm from Tennessee just a short ride north outta Jackson." He scratched his head and flashed a smile at the kindness to a stranger would produce. He was glad to be southern. "I'm going to put my hands down real slow like. I would be munch oblige for the conversation I haven't had someone to talk to in a spell. I had some coffee going but it will keep." Shawn climbs the boat and smiles again. "I'm sorry miss I didn't ever catch your name."