Daemon walked untitled kitchen as Varshe left. He asked Estelle "so, whatchya makin'?" He tried to see the bread and he licked his lips. He was hungry. Adelisa and Daemon hadn't eaten since they left the social worker's office. He looked around to see if Adelisa followed him in, but she didn't. He shrugged and looked back at Estelle. Adelisa felt her heart pound in her chest when she noticed the look Varshe was giving Daemon. Was he going to hurt her brother? She looked back at Skye and asked "is my brother safe in this house? He-we've been through so much already. I don't want Daemon to be hurt." She wasn't scared of the people in the house, but she was scared of how the people would act towards them. They seemed friendly enough, aside from Varshe, but with her ability… she might not be as welcomed.