[center][img]http://17.img.v4.skyrock.net/6295/82966295/pics/3079015301_1_72_8lz0sbIp.gif[/img] [h3][color=Gold]Raquel Goldstein[/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr] The sound of a cell phone alarm going off could be heard throughout the decent size room of Raquel. She stirred as the sound continued then removed her arm from her nestled cocoon and her hand grasped around the device to turn off the alarm. Raquel groaned as she didn't want to get up and go to orientation early this morning. Again, she groaned and rolled over to her side throwing the covers over her head. A few more minutes past and her maid, Marley, came burst through the doors and opened up her curtains. [b]"Chica, you must get up or you're going to be late."[/b] Marley stated while sitting beside Raquel, shaking her sleeping body. Raquel groaned as she removed the covers from over her head and eyed Marley. [color=Gold][b]"I rather be late than on time."[/b][/color] She commented back with slight wit as Marley shook her head. Raquel removed herself from the bed and walked over towards the bathroom down the hall, getting prepared for her day. She showered, brushed her teeth and brushed her hair then tied it up into a side ponytail, letting it hang down over her shoulder. While going back into her room, Marley had already started fixing up her room and Raquel asked her which outfit she should wear. Marley suggested that she wear her purple dress that stops well above her knee along with her flat purple shoes. Raquel tapped her chin and dressed herself into the outfit that Marley helped her pick out then went over to her vanity mirror, sitting down and applying makeup to her face. Raquel got up with sigh then reviewed herself over the mirror before nodding towards Marley and waving her goodbye then exiting her room and eventually her house. She didn't bother calling her parents this morning but instead they were just calling her. [color=Gold][b]"Hey Mom and Dad, I am on my way to the campus now and..."[/b][/color] Her Mother interrupted her by telling her the latest news, poor people were now being accepted on a scholarship to Hollywood University. She let out a scream on her front porch as it lasted for about two minutes. She was in disbelief and couldn't believe that these people were going to be walking the halls and treading the grounds of her school, Hollywood University. As she got in her car after hanging up the phone with her parents, she drove towards the campus, which was about twenty minutes away from her home. She parked her car in her usual parking space then exited her car, looking at all of the poor people with absolute discuss. She knew how to distinguish the rich from the poor especially with her. She bounced her way towards the gymnasium, where she walked past people with ease without saying the words excuse me. Upon entering the gymnasium, she saw that everyone was indeed segregated. Rich people on one side and poor people on the other side, Raquel of course went over and sat with the rich kids and sat down front and center, so that she can get a better listen on Headmaster Maddox's speech this year. He mentioned that this year poor people were accepted into the university, the first time ever and congratulated them as they cheered like complete idiots while the rich kids looked at each other and laughed, as if it was a joke. Raquel continued to listen to Headmaster Maddox's speech as it was the same as every year. Telling them about the rules, how to act on campus and what the university has to offer this year. As soon as the speech was over, everyone dispersed from the gymnasium as Raquel couldn't believe that poor people, people without funds are attending Hollywood University. She huffed while walking back towards her car, sitting on the hood of it while watching people walked past her. She waved at the rich kids but just looked at the poor ones. This was going to be an interesting year, she could just feel it.