If I may: Name: Regina Del Mare Age: 16 Parents: Ariel and Prince Eric [hider=Appearance][img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/3aa7/f/2012/107/6/b/kyoko_sakura_by_yudough-d4wi5af.png[/img][/hider] Bio: Regina Del Mare grew up in the castle with her parents, King Eric and Queen Ariel. She lived a happy, carefree life, getting taught about the world by her mother, father and the servants of the castle, and running around bringing joy and laughter to everyone she met. On her 13th birthday, everything changed. She discovered her heritage when she was swimming in the ocean for the first time, against her parents wishes. In truth, Ariel had not wanted her daughter to become a mermaid, and she knew that if Regina stepped into the salty sea, she would grow a tail and know the secret her parents had desperately tried to hide. Luckily, Regina was half human, enabling her to have control over her tail. She could make it appear and disappear, replace it with her legs or vice versa. However, she felt betrayed by her mother and father, and upset that they would keep a secret from her. Regina was able to guilt trip her parents into letting her do almost anything, and soon Regina was out swimming, exploring the sea and discovering her abilities. It was on one of these ocean trips that she met her grandfather for the first time, and, seeing her eagerness to be a mermaid, so unlike his own daughter, he gave her control over the water and taught her about being a mermaid. When Regina returned once more to the castle, however this time as a fully fledged mermaid, Ariel and Eric were devastated. They were worried something bad might happen to Regina, based on Ariels own mishaps. They sent her away to a school, in the hopes that she would grow to forget the ocean and become more... human. Needless to say, Regina was not very happy. [color=9e0b0f]Regina's speech colour.[/color]