A quick question before I post actually. Traction is going to pop into the Matrix real quickly just to see if any of the people inside the Warehouse have augs with wireless capacity that she could crack into (most Augs made after the second Matrix Crash would be wireless enabled). Here's a quick blurb I was writing for it. [quote=Blurb]Every Shadowrunner team that wanted to last for more than two runs had a Decker, and the reason for that was solely to protect themselves from other Deckers. Anybody who had augs after the second Matrix Crash, unless they specifically went for throwbacks or had gone far out of their way and deep into their pockets, had augs with wireless capability. Even a child with so much as a finger prosthetic had at least a biomonitor installed as well. Any decker who knew what they were doing could force their way into any kind of aug's innards, whether they had their wireless features disabled or not, and if there was one thing you did not want to happen during a run it was for some Spider to start shutting off every bit of wire and metal in your body - or worse.[/quote] So yeah. Any of our Orc/Troll musclemen have augs of note?