[b]Tidius[/b] [@t2wave] Tidius watched Ariel do what he had asked, pleased, but it didn't seem that she could summon spirits that were, despire her form breaking apart, and Ariel re-emerging. Tidius didn't offer to help her up, unsure what would happen if he did. He studied the shapes, thoughtful. [color=0072bc]"Maybe feel their names, to summon them? Cloe your eyes, and open your mind. See what happens"[/color] He said. It was obvious that her own magic wouldn't harm her, or at least not badly, from what he had seen. So this didn't seem to be a risk. More like any one with magic, trial and error. [b]Time Lord[/b] [@lugubrious][@liferusher][@invisible man] Time Lord stiffened as Nero began to talk to him, narrowing his eyes at what the Genie was saying. He seemed to speak in a away that would be confusing, if Time Lord hadn't known what he was doing. He let Nero speak, his face expressionless, his eyes curiously blank of any light. When The genie seemed to have wound down, Time Lord leaned against the table, so he was as close to Nero as he could stand. [color=598527]"You see to have a curious way of jumping to conclusions, Genie. Of course, Genie's often do do so, and that's where the....hm. The stereotype of wishes come from. You are wrong. I do not see you as a delinquent, nor as a Monster. I see you as bad for Eve, yes. But you work too hard at Pretending, oh yes, pretending, that you are either of those things. I think that you actually care that people think that of you, but you can't do anything to convince them otherwise, so you just play along. I do not believe that Eve 'Has a screw or two loose" As you so...Eloquently put it, no. Rather, i think something bad has been molding her, with her own powers. I also think you have a very limited understanding of what I can relate to"[/color] Time Lord was, it seemed, quivering with anger, but his tone was even, his voice soft. [color=598527]"As for asking her to come with me, her chosing not to did not make me unhappy. it was as I expected. I asked her to come, because I want to help her. I want to be able to be there for her, but I can't. You may see that as hard, or cold of me, Nero. I would be there every day if I could, preventing...bad and...unhelpful things from happening to her, but I have been charged with something that I cannot abandon. So I thought maybe Eve would like to help me, and maybe I could be with her, but I know she is better off at the guild, with Master Jack there. Eve is my charge, Nero. Never forget that. And never forget that just because she is, that doesn't mean I do not care about her. I do."[/color] There was clearly more that Time Lord was going to say, as he paused to tap a sip of water, leaning closer to Nero, he said very softly, [color=598527]"And I do not appreciate you trying to undermine me to Eve every chance you can. Never forget that my life is tied to hers. If you cannot believe I care about her, know this: I cannot afford to let the magic council get their hands on me. therefore, I will do all in my power to protect Eve, even from herself. And If I can prove you are bad for her, that you are as bad as you make people think, that you are indeed a dark mage, I will not hesitate to put a stop to you."[/color] He made sure that only Nero would hear these words, for a short span of time, it would appear as if time had paused for anyone else besides Nero and himself. His voice was low and cold as he finished, and he leaned back, his spell breaking, finishing off his water. He turned his back on Nero, turning to Eve, he gave her a smile, full of warmth [color=598527]"I'm glad you like the rose, Eve. It holds power, and a great meaning in it. I'm glad you can appreciate it. Now, eat up. Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day"[/color] [b]Penny[/b] Penny frowned at Karn, and trinity's worried tone. She knew that Karn was ill, that he had been for a long time. And she suspected that Edolas Karn had perished somewhere in the timeline of stopping the Edolasans from coming to Earthland from the same illness, but hadn't had time to prove it before being transported back. She had tried to find a way to help Karn, but that had led to a dead end so far. Still, if there was another Phoenix Slayer in the city, that had to mean there was another Phoenix out there somewhere. She didn't think Karn knew that she knew he was ill, and for now, she wasn't going to say anything. [color=f7976a]I don't really know what to do. I'm sure the Master would ask what happened, so lets go from there. How'd you get taken? Was Mithera with you then? DId she escape?"[/color] If Mithera had indeed escaped, that meant that the people who had kidnapped Trinity hadn't kidnapped Mithera, which only led Iron Enigma. And it meant that Penny could go over there and demand answers without causing as huge an issue if she didn't have that information. [b]Sasha[/b] [@lmpkio][@yipeeXD] Sasha once more tried to figure out something to say, but she was tired. The fight from yesterday was still weighing on her, and her body hurt from it, as well as not getting much sleep last night. And she was puzzled about that...it had to have been a memory, even if she wasn't too sure what. Maybe she should speak with Master Jamie. Sasha's eyes roamed over the crowd, over where most of Phoenix Wing was sitting, but couldn't see the master. She would have to ask later. Looking back to Marelene, she decided to talk about magic. [color=6ecff6]"How did you learn crystal make magic?"[/color]