AS the rain fell from the black clouds that occupied the sky on this rainy day, the city of Domestica looked gahstly. The always buzzing city was now empty of all the people walking on the streets. Someone knocked. "Sir the council is ready and waiting for you." The Emperor sighed as he had to attend more babbling today. He decided not to mess around with all the politics and retreat back to his gloomy room as fast as possible. With slow and steady steps he entered the hallway. His secretary bowed as he walked past. Another turn to the right and he entered the Council Room. The Council stood up as one as he entered the room. "Ladies and Gentleman. Today I have an important announcement to make. Please take your seat!" Slowly everyone sat down and silence fell on the room. Someone coughed. "As you may know, the Stoludian Queen sent ambassadors to negotiate a technological trade. Whilst little to no doubt that there is no technology that can supress ours, there are still things we might want in exchange. We maintain the biggest army, and the biggest Fleet. Yet the Stoludians have far better skilss using these armanents." In a second everyone started talking and questions were raised, filling the room with chatter and disbelief. "Please calm down, keep your questions AFTER I finish my speech. Time is precious." The room slowly fell into silince again, but a few politians sat with unease, unable to stop trying to find the best position on the uncomfortable chairs. "Thank you. I had a personal listen to the ambassador yesterday - He points at a man standing by his right side - and we made an agreement." The room once again began to shout as one, and the politians didn't seem to stop by any means. The Emperor silently left the room. With the stone cold look left behind he sat down on the couch with a saddened and troubled look. "What is the problem My Honour?" He looked at his secretary who was trying to cheer him up. "It is a rare occasion to see Your Honour so troubled." He looked at his secretary with a smile "There is no problem at all Maya. The game of politics is hard, and I am clearly not playing as the rules tell. I'll be fine just give me time." With that he took a bottlw of water from the nearby table, and drank it all in one. "Showtime." He entered the room once again. There wre only small muttering around, but they quickly died out. Now he had an unbroken attention of the Council. "Please all sit down. Any questions be raised after the statements. As I was saying, me and the ambassador already made an agreement." He waited a few seconds so that it can sink in. As no one objected he continued. "We agreed that we will provide them with technology of our Concrete and our belowed Brownpowder, both only avaible in our majestic country, in the exchange of several military trainers shipped to our land, who can train our milita. As many of you can see this is a mutually benefical trade on the long run. The council is adjourned." With a small sigh and relief, he left the Council behind, still in the shock of what he said. "Maya! Come in I have an important task for you!" With a small creek, and the thuds of the high hells against the floor his secretary entered the room. "Yes your Honour?" The emperor stood up, but still looked at view from the hill. "I want you to negotiate a trade route with the Irodiens. They are in desperate need of help from the outside in order to recover quickly to their fromer glory. We can exploit this. Send an ambassador and tell them we would trade food and livestock, if they give us minerals in exchange. Further details when they agreed." He sat down back in his chair, tired after today's speech. Such a mess. With antoher set of thuds and creek, the atmosphere fell still, just like the city outside.