[@KatherinWinter] [color=00a99d]"So,"[/color] he asked the girl while they were still in the vicinity of the camera, so as not to seen inconspicuous, [color=00a99d] "I already know your powers do not have to do with telepathy and finding people. However, that does not really give me an idea of how you can help. So, which are your powers?"[/color] He observed her own security measures while saying that. Could she possibly have the same powers as him? But he doubted that the experiment would be doubled- and it seemed that she was an older member of the Army, while he was sure he was the first one the excitement was conducted with. Still, she most likely had incredible power, or else they would not bother with the measures... Or would they? Still, it drowned on what kind of measures they are. They were most likely were not like his- which was not very good for her, since purely mechanical measures are generally less restrictng, but he was able to find many loopholes with his that were not possible on dumb equipment. [color=7bcdc8]"Well, how about we let her tell us instead of guessing. Even though I feel she won't really say anything. "[/color]