In his room, Varshe tossed aside a couple of sketch notebooks that were on top of his bed, grabbing out the one he used the least. A book with blank papers aside from a couple of drawings of human anatomy. The outside made it look like it was some creepy old book most people wouldn't dare lay their hands on. [hider=Book's appearance][img][/img][/hider] He grabbed one of his most favorite pencils that were scattered around his messy room on the ground. He opened the book, browsed through until he found an empty page, and started drawing. He drew Daemon's head in detail, quietly, on his bed. [color=violet]"Hm... the hair was a bit like this.. or.. that?.."[/color], Varshe muttered to himself as he kept on drawing- releasing all of his creativity and imagination in his fresh ideas. He gave the drawing a sadistic grin. [color=violet]"That Daemon.. I [i]need[/i] him for my drawings."[/color] Though, he had no idea where to start. He had no social skills whatsoever to casually ask Daemon to pose for him, he had absolutely no interest to cause an unnecessary commotion, or draw all attention to himself. He sighed. Perhaps by force? He had no clue. What he did know, that his first step was going down and eat dinner- for once. He carefully placed the gloomy book next to him, together with the pencil, and got up. [color=violet]"I see, dinner it is."[/color] [@Savi]