[b][center] The Heart Of Gold – Planet Regina[/center][/b] “Shee-niou piece of crap!” shouted an older feminine voice from under the main console in the bridge of the Firefly class ship the Heart of Gold that had landed on planet Regina for some quick repairs. Fingers grasping at the edge of the counter and curling around until the woman pulled herself up and stood up, pushing her white dread locks back over her shoulder so they spilled down her back. Narrowing her eyes she balled up her fist and slammed it against the computer. It blinked a few times before it finally powered up. Grumbling several curses under her breath she made her way out of the bridge and into the main room that the crew used as their kitchen and eating quarters, passing it quickly to continue deeper into the ship and out the back of it where it landed. The sun was high in the sky and it was far too hot for the captains liking, it may not have been as bad if the ship didn’t seem to keep falling apart on her and causing the crew to make an emergency landing. The only solace she could find was that at least it wasn’t a heavily patrolled Alliance planet and her crew could slip in and out without much worry. With the cargo they carried the last thing she needed was the Alliance to be poking their noses where it didn’t belong. Granted the cargo was the least of her worries right then. She wasn’t exactly on the Alliances top ten list of most lovable and the rest of her crew had not exactly been model citizens but they were a good crew, to a point. Some were newer than others; some had been with her for years. She hadn’t left a person in deep space in over eighteen months, so things were shiny. “Come on folks, we need to finish up the repairs and get the hell off this dust ball to make our delivery,” she yelled both towards the small town that looked like it was something straight out of an old western back on Earth and into the ship. She wanted to break orbit before the sun set but the way the repairs were going both with the computers and the hull were going slow. Not because of the crew so much but because the cost of parts this far out was a lot more than she was willing to pay. The last two days she had spent being rather persuasive with the local merchants to get a fair price, that persuasiveness usually being the barrel of a gun to the temple of the merchant that was nothing more than some back-berthed low life. It may not have been the most polite way to get her point across but it got the job done and now that they had the parts they needed she felt there was no reason they couldn’t be off world by sunset. The captain of the Heart of Gold was not the most reasonable person in the ‘Verse but she knew how to run a ship and get the job done. It had been well over ten years since the end of the war and the former browncoat had never really lost her hardened exterior. She had purchased the spacecraft at the end of the way, fixed it up and started finding a crew quickly. Some of those that she had first hired were still with her, others had well…. Gone another path. She wasn’t an easy person to work for but she wasn’t unkind, just harsh. She didn’t mince words and told it like it was no matter the situation. Captain Akechi Lee Ko, better known as either Captain or Lee to those who had known her for a long time, made sure the ship was her crews home. She expected loyalty and paid well, when funds were available. Though there were times there was no money and they would ride on fumes for days while they found a planet to refuel on. That was the life of a smuggler. It wasn’t grand and it wasn’t a dependable paycheck, it brought in the worst type of people and made you look at war as a Sunday picnic but she wouldn’t have it any other way.