Since Masaki has been gone for 5 days and counting, we're gonna need to start thinking of a long term solution. I'm not one to 'take over' anything, technically I have no rights to do so and as such I would prefer to simply stay put where we are at the moment. But there's a problem with that and that is that I do not have access to the OOC opening post, the IC opening post and technically have no editing rights anywhere. When mas was around we could circumvent that (painfully) by PMing her the codes and stuff for things we needed to have edited, but that's gonna be a problem if she just vanished. And given that 90% of the content in this thread is, more or less, mine (OOC, locations, character sheet basis, arc 1&2 etc.) I think that I have a 'right' of sorts to simply re-use that for a re-boot. Simply because, well, our head GM is gone but nobody of us wishes to stop just yet (I think). So what I propose is: I make a new thread. [@Savato] will be my co-GM. [@Akashi Mayhiro] and [@Kal-El] will still be in charge as co-GM's and I'll be placing a more specific workload on them (i.e character grading and helping with plots/arc control). I wanna clarify that I'm not feeling particularily fond of being in charge of everything so make sure to contact the GM team as a whole and not just me and Spodes. I could clarify everything else too, but fact of the matter is I'd probably want to keep as much of what we have already intact, and as such we'd probably be re-using the characters we have already (unless, like, you want a new one). Even the OOC will be the same (okay, I might touch up here and there, since the rules need a re-work.) I will organise shit better (rulesets for jutsu, banned jutsu, jutsu only allowed outside of combat, etc.) Basically, I'll improve what we have already but I don't want to change it. As for dealing with the current plot, well. I wanna put that in your hands. I wanna know if you guys want me (if we go through with this) to skip until an interesting plot me and Savato had planned. I can't spoil it because it's a bit ground breaking and it will change the RP entirely, and it will shift the focus more towards Keihatsu, discovering what they are all about and maybe even switching sides (if your character is so aligned). [b]OR[/b] if you want a very clean, fresh start, we can simply skip the arc as if it never happened and start right after the 2.5 year timeskip. In this time the same things happened but anything after that will never have happened. The above plot will still happen but I'll need time to figure out where and when to implement it so it might not happen straightaway. Give me your opinion or else I will decide for myself and in that case [url=]fuck democracy[/url]. I'm still hoping for a magical Masaki return because I'd rather just stay put (less work for me) but yeah, we need to start thinking about a solution to our problem. Also any suggestions for ANYTHING, IM me on skype, post here as a reply (you're gonna do that anyway to answer yes or no to the reboot, might as well add ideas) or PM me. I don't care about what the ideas are for, OOC, IC, plot ideas, fuck it you can PM me a picture of your dog or cat, I just need a response to know what to do.