[b]Name:[/b] Iean McKennenith [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Position:[/b] 'Shepperd' [b]Appearance/Clothing: [/b] [img]http://steampunkcostume.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/9f0cf6b5893b7885dc5e0d1c7088a567-d4pvo3o.jpg[/img] [b]Skills:[/b] Close quarter combat. Ti chi, melee weapons, kung-fu mantis style, tactics, land navigation, communications encryption, Military code recognition, electronic warfare, electronic security bypass procedures [b]Crimes Against The Alliance:[/b] Brown coat. Rank of first lieutenant [b]Additional Information:[/b] Brown coat. Fought in the battle of Rygil 7. Two Metals of valor. Purple heart. Fake right leg at the knee. [b]Weapons:[/b] None [b]Possessions:[/b]Books on earth that was. Multiple religious text. [b]Personality:[/b] Mad prophet "What could it be? Were all doomed! Who's flying this thing? Oh, right. That's just the intercom light." [b]History:[/b] Gentlemen graduate at (West point equivalent) with honors. His parents were proud and members of the elect officials. As the war broke out he was given orders to join a unit with the alliance. He had some disagreement on that point. Believing The rights of the individual out weighed the needs of the state. Instead of joining the alliance Iean took on a brown coat. He fought hard and was know to his men as the solider. Regardless of rank Iean made it a point to be on terms with his men. He never left one on the battle field and weighed the risk to his men over the mission. The crushing defeat at Serenity valley forced command to send a wave to lay down arms. He rallied those who were willing and saved those who were pinned down during the surrender. The over use of force by the alliance made him a brown coat for life. As the smoke cleared Iean was being fitted with a prosthetic and awarded his purple heart. Now fresh from the Abby he aims to spread the word to those that need it.