Iean was picked up on Persephone with some of the cargo from that one job that time. Now he has heathens a plenty right here. He helps with the lifting and look out type jobs. Other times he blesses the food quietly and the cargo. He has currently said a prayer for the crappy compression coil three light years past the expiration date. To pass the time in between ports he can be found reading in his room practicing the lepers and hell fire speech for them that need it. Other times he is doing tai chi in the open space of the hold. He wears traditional Shepperd garb and some times his traveling clothes. There were hints at the skills he hid by the various things he knew that a shepperd wouldn't normally know. The insignia of alliance commanders, the knowledge of covertly gathering alliance signals from the cortex without being detected and passing the info to the captain. In his room he keeps a long brown coat with a hole by the right leg stained with blood in the bottom of his foot locker. The fact that he was in the war as a brown coat is known, but only the few he served with know the real Iean. Looking at the mechanic who was under one of the consoles Iean scratched his head as to how this situation could be resolved through faith then he remembered one of these guys was a carpenter. Which made him an engineer of sorts. So following that logic and saying something similar to "Heal thyself" in Chinese he hit the console a few times with the good book. Scratching his head again with a smile on his face, "Well, to be fair that normally works on the younger generation."