Name: Erick Johnson Age when found: 35 Current Age: 45 Age appears to be: 35 Species: Hybrid/Evangelion Pic: [IMG][/IMG] More or less this, except completely black and minus the sword. Bio/History/Backstory: Erick lived a normal life, family, kids, whole nine yards. He eventually took up a job for SOLDIER, was offered high pay, lots of vacation time, rarely called to actually fight. He figured it was the perfect job, he was wrong. The first time he was called to aide a city his entire sqaud was overran and annihilated by vampires, all of them were killed, except for him. One of the vampires decided to turn him instead, make him their own. He awoke in a small cave with dim torch light, a powerful anger and bloodlust came over him like a wave. He jumped his creator and fought him brutally, in the end it was quick thinking and a rock that won the fight for Erick. Bloodied and torn, he made his way out of the cave. They weren't far from the town he was tasked with protecting, and he was hungry. He ravaged the town, knowing they were the only SOLDIER forces to be sent for quiet some time. Once he got himself under control, he fled the city and hid in the woods. During such, he was approached by a woman who had been watching him from afar. She offered him great power, far beyond any creature on the planet. He hesitated at first, but he figured his family would never accept him the way he was nor what he had done. Deep down inside, he also like the new power coursing through his veins. He accepted, she bit him. He shouted in pain and dropped to the ground un-concious, the process had begun. He awoke some-time mid-day the next morning, the woman was gone and he felt different. Strong, almost un-stoppable. He stood, then doubled over in pain. He began to transform, fur began appearing on his arms and legs, his bones cracked as they shift posistion. He yelled in pain, it soon became a howl as he dropped to all fours. A mutated hybrid transformation, he stood taller and bigger than any werewolf, he came chest height to the average human male. Confused, he tried to gather his bearings as the pain from the transformation sub-sided. He was soon interrupted as a SOLDIER patrol was sweeping the area, he ran, un-sure of his current form. He didn't get far, a group of three SOLDIER agents spotted him. Before they could open fire, he was upon them. He lept on the first and tore his throat out, the other two opened fire, a hail of bullets coated him, matting his blck fur with blood. It wasn't long before the remaining two were ripped apart, injured he limped away slowly healing. Two men, a helicopter, and a man in a long white coat were in the middle of the forest in a clearing. Erick figured on attacking them and killing them as he had the SOLDIER, but they had different plans. The man gave a signal, and Erick was shot up with enough tranquilizer to put down a fully grown elephant. He slurred towards them, but only made it a few feet before passing out. Once he did, he reverted back to his normal vampire form. They threw a tarp over him and lugged him into the helicopter. He awoke in a holding cell in a facility clothed and bandaged. The old man came in and introduced himself as Samuel Manstein, a scientist dedicated to preserve and further human and vampire kind. He explained everything to him, what he now was, why they had to drug him, and where he was. The facility was known as GeneCorp, dedicated to producing and perfecting various prosthetics and drugs to increase human life span and durability, or so was their mask to the outside world. In reality, they ran a number of highly experimental proceedures on volunteers or those they found, such as Erick. He was offered to be part of a new project, the 'Evangelions', he was promised to set the pace for the future of all kind, humans and vampires. Erick accepted after minor hesitation, and the experiments began. He endured it for five long years until the proceedures took and were nearly perfected. They weren't without their flaws, however. Once the final proceedure took, he rampaged in the facility, killing many people in the process. He was sub-dued, and that was when they got the idea of the Limiter suits. Kept under constant sedatation, they set to work making the suits. Five years passed, and the first successful experimental prototype was made. By then, they had six other Evangelions made. A Limiter suit was grafted to the skin of all of them, the suits were lined with holy silver and iron. Each had a mini-bomb inside, capable of leveling a building and out-right destroying the wearer. Should they try to take it off by force or go against the will of the company, Samuel had a remote detonator linked to every suit to trigger the bomb. Should it be needed in dire times, Samuel also had a button which releases the suit from the wearer, unlocking their true potential. Once they were sure the suits worked, they set out to complete their goals on bringing down orginizations such as Purge and HIVE that sought to exterminate vampires, and those led by vampires set out to exterminate the humans. Faction: Project X Personality: Erick has a general, I don't give a fuck attitude. Contrary to his past, he prefers stealth to blindly rushing in. He is however, highly skilled at close range and hand to hand combat and will fight as such if he has to. A nice man to be around if you know him and he knows you. Powers: Aside from his transformation which is barred by his Limiter, Erick has the ability to read minds and influence peoples thoughts. Not direct mind control so much as little suggestions that might cause a person to do something differently. This power is suppressed by his Limiter, hindering it's range significantly. Weapons/Gear: [Limiter Mk1] Erick is out-fitted with the first generation Limiter suit, while it hinders his powers to a degree it offers a wide amount of functionality custom fit to suit his needs. Standard in every Limiter is a face mask with a Visor. The Visor offers thermal imaging, allowing them to see targets with a heat signiature with ease as well as in the dark. This is toggle-able to swap between that and normal sight. The Visor offers 1-6x zoom for identifying targets at medium-long range. His suit increases his movement speed by a fair amount, making him faster than most vampire older than him. His Limiter offers a cloaking field, allowing him to blind in with his surroundings nearly perfectly, though not completely invisible, for 30 seconds at a time. On the back of his suit is holster for his retractable SNIP3R rifle, a high powered sniper rifle capable of piercing through stone walls to reach it's targets. A combat belt is looped around his waist, on one side is a pair of throwing knives, on the other a combat axe as well as several magazines of ammo. Near his ankle attached to a smaller rendition of the holster for his SNIP3R is a Berretta. [SNIP3R Mk3.] His SNIP3R is a high powered sniper rifle offering low recoil and a moderate rate of fire. It is able to punch through stone to take out it's targets with ease. It is retractable/foldable for easy storage on his suit, it has an in-built silencer though due to it's power it is not completely silenced and can be heard if you're near it, with-out the silencer it would probably sound like cannon fire. [5x Throwing Knives] Erick carries 5 throwing knives on his combat belt, each laced with a poison that paralyzes the target. Within a few minutes, should one scratch you or he miss a vital organ, your body will become completely paralyzed, allowing for an easy kill or capture. [1x Combat Axe] A hand-held axe that can be thrown at long distances or used for melee combat. It is very sharp, careful around your fingers. [1x Beretta] Fires standard 9mm rounds, silenced. What, you thought everything was going to be super high tech and powerful? Pfft. Skills: A master at stealth and subversion, he'll kill you without you ever knowing. And if you do see him, you won't have time to yell for help. Highly profecient with sniper rifles and guns in general, an expert and melee and close range combat.