[color=f26522][h2]Kalani Solle [/h2][/color] [b] Krone, sister-bride to Kaelira [/b] The next chain of events regarding Kaelira was not too surprising for Kalani. Once again Kaelira had tried to do something to bother Master Krone but this time she was finally getting punished for it. Despite her distaste for her sister-bride, Kalani still felt bad for the little water Gem. Four Drakken guards at a time? She could not even imagine what would happen to the girl. She may even come back as an entirely new, but broken, person. As Kaelira was being taken away, Kalani stood besides Krone and then allowed him to lead her back to his chamber. While he sat down, she remained standing, awkwardly. He turned to speak to her, revealing his kinder expression once more, the one that Kalani was very fond of. [color=f26522]"Yes, Master Krone. You have been most generous with her. It is unfortunate that it had to be this way."[/color] she replied, her words were as stiff as usual but her voice was tender. Her eyes followed his to the fireplace. The warm, flickering flames seemed to set a nice, peaceful mood. She took a seat on one of the empty chairs. She still did not know her husband enough to know what the boundaries are yet she felt comfortable enough in his presence. When he had asked her to simply sleep beside him for the night, she did not see any reason to refuse but she was touched that he was giving her the choice. She tugged at her tight dress to demonstrate its restriction on her and asked in a soothing voice, [color=f26522]"I would love to be by your side tonight, Master Krone. But do you happen to know where I can get a change of clothes? This dress is rather uncomfortable and not suitable for sleeping."[/color] Kalani awaited his answer hopefully, gazing into his eyes. Now that the Reaping and the Banquet were over with, she had only just realized how horrible the dress felt against her. It did its job well; which was to flaunt her beauty, but at the same time, it was itchy and tight in all the most uncomfortable places. She yearned for something soft and light to wear, like a loose cotton dress. Actually, almost anything would probably be more comfortable than this darn beautiful dress. [hider=Summary] Kalani feels bad for Kai, accepts Krone's offer to sleep by his side for the night, and asks for more comfortable clothes. [/hider]