The secret passage was long and narrow, full of twists and turns and multiply pathways that would get you easily lost if you didn’t know the way. Fortunately for the Princess, she’d spent her childhood playing in the secret passages, usually to get away from her tuitor. She smiled as she thought back to those times, how she wished she could go back to them… To get from her chambers to outside the gates was no quick trip from the secret passage, it was designed to be a secret, not convient. It was a good extra ten minutes before she neared the exit she sought for. She pushed on a certain brick, there was an audible click as part of the wall began to pull away, revealing a small opening. She grunted as she squeezed through, it had been a lot easier to get through as a child. The opening closed as she fully exited the passage. She brushed her dress of dust and cobwebs before surveying the area, she saw the cart in the distance, and made her way there in stride. As she got closer she found Link...and a girl? She hadn’t been expecting anyone else, Link hadn’t mentioned that someone was with him. Was she a girl from his village? She gave the girl a look over, and quickly decided that wasn’t the case. One of the many perks of having the triforce of wisdom was spectacular insight. She sensed power from the girl, ancient power, she was far older than she looked. Zelda decided she had to be a fairy, though it had been a very long time since fairy’s had roamed the city, much less the castle. “I have your sword and shield...who’s your friend?”