Can I join? If so, this will be a placement for my nation. [center][hider=UNITED KINGDOMS OF DALATRUM] [img][/img] [i]Beyond the clouds we shine[/i] [hider=Government and Economy] [b][u]Type of Government[/u][/b] Dalatrum is a constitutional monarchy, where the ruler is restricted by the Constitution of Dalatrum. They are tough on what kind of powers the royal family is able to have. They are only able to to consulted, advise, and warn parliament when there's an important matter going on. They can't even declare war without parliament's approval and the majority of them are against another war. Parliament would rather focus on expanding Dalatrum's colonial empire than going to war. Because of that, they are very friendly with most of the nations in the world. [u][b]Heads of Government[/b][/u] King Edward IV and Queen Margaret I rule the country as a whole. They both hold the powers to consulted, to advise, and to warn the members of parliament; however, their power is limited by the constitution. The real heads of the government is Parliament, even known they don't admit it to the public. The ruling political party will have more power until the king's and queen's banner. In reality, the royal family is there for power and influence from parliament. And the current political party is against going to war against any nation. [u][b]Economy[/b][/u] WIP [/hider] [hider=History, Demographics, and Culture.] [u][b]Primary Species[/b][/u] Humans makeup the majority of the population in Dalatrum. [u][b]Population[/b][/u] WIP [u][b]Culture[/b][/u] WIP [u][b]Religious and other Beliefs[/b][/u] WIP [u][b]History[/b][/u] WIP [/hider] [hider=Geography, Agriculture, and Industry] [u][b]Territory[/b][/u] WIP [u][b]Climate[/b][/u] WIP [u][b]Cities, bases, etc[/b][/u] WIP [u][b]Agriculture[/b][/u] WIP [u][b]Industry[/b][/u] WIP [/hider] [hider=Military] [u][b]Military [/b][/u] WIP [/hider][/hider][/center]