If I could do more of a Wood Elf native sort of character rather than the high elf styled ones you have depicted then I'd be more interested. When it comes to frontiers always fun to have the native who wants to hold people back. I can give you a whole documentary on this group/race of elves. It explain simple things: Tribe name: Noatik Territory Central Canada down into northern parts of the Dakotas. More often they live in the north and travel to the south for better hunting and trade. They do travel further, but more out of their own wishes rather than covering needs. Appearance: Traditional wood elf with a darker skin more of a beige or tan color (some are paler or darker). Hair varies from a rich brown, to a bright autumn red, to a vaguely green shade of off brown. Otherwise they are very like normal elves in height and stature etc. They are a traditional group with method rituals and beliefs which they hold to. They do not like the foreign races though they are kind to other native groups, but see incoming groups as destroying the balance of nature. Crossing them is a terrible idea. They will put up with some who travel to the new world, but find the cities and factories excessive. They are not anti-technology, but they do think it must be managed greatly. They do not use factories or any engines, but do produce firearms (Most famously revolvers, long rifles, and some impressive shotguns), have three large population centers in their territory, but they do not use steel as a building materiel instead using the super hard ironwoods they build their cities around. I have plenty more ready, but don't want to waste your time if its a new for adding these elves.