[@Caits] [color=f49ac2][h2]Marlene Evangeline[/h2][/color] Marlene turns to Sasha quickly after she asked how she got magic. [color=f49ac2]"You can say it was an 'accident'..."[/color] she says with a small squirm, [color=f49ac2]"I was going caving with my family in this one cave, known for its beautiful gems and crystals when I was 9. I think it was just a few miles away from... Cocus I believe? Anyways, and I, being quite obsessed with gems and sparkly things, decided to go in and take a gander. And it was Bee-autiful! It felt like I was in heaven you know? and that I would love to stay in that cave for all of eternity!"[/color] Marlene paused as she clears her throat. [color=f49ac2]"So yeah,"[/color] she continues, [color=f49ac2]"I was walking with my parents, when suddenly I came upon this... rainbow-colored gem. And my god it was a sight I could only dream of! I mean think about it! A rainbow colored gem, can you believe that? It was almost as if it wanted to be discovered or something. It's shine basically lead me to go and touch it... hopefully let me take it home secretly. But... when I touched it, everything turned white and I... blacked out. I woke up at home all fine and stuff and thought that the gem must've been really fragile or... I don't know. Long story short, a few days after I discovered that I could wield and make things out of crystals and... learned it on my own. I know this may sound crazy, but uh... you can ask my parents about it haha, they've seen everything."[/color] She begins to rub her head in slight embarrassment, thinking that she ended it in an awkward tone.