Olivia found that she enjoyed the conversation immensely. It had been so long since she had talked to anyone other than herself, inanimate objects, or animals that she had almost forgotten what a real conversation was like. When Shawn first approached, Olivia hadn't known what to expect. She thought their encounter might go far worse than this. But instead of a fight they wound up talking half the night. And now he was saying he'd like to keep on friendly terms and was inviting her over for coffee. Of course she'd still go armed, but then again Olivia never slept without a weapon at hand. "I was always more of a tea person," Olivia revealed amicably, "but far be it from me to snub my nose at any food or drink now. You simply don't have the right to be picky anymore. Coffee sounds good, Shawn, thank you. And thank you for the conversation too. I'll be seeing you in the morning then. Good night." After watching Shawn go off, Olivia decided to turn in for the night. Not to discredit Shawn's friendliness, but Olivia wasn't taking any chances in case someone else other than Shawn HAD seen her light or heard her singing, so she locked both the cabin door and window. She then took some strings of noisy items and strung them across the two surfaces, setting various things in front of them. If anyone tried to break in, the noise would immediately awake Olivia and she'd be ready for them. A peaceful night passed morning came. Olivia was up before the sun, but she waited a bit before heading over to Shawn's boat. She didn't want to wake him if he was still asleep. Though she tried to will her heart to be still, Olivia was rather excited to be having coffee and breakfast with someone. (Especially someone as good looking as Shawn, if she was being honest.) Given than she had found plenty of dried goods yesterday, Olivia felt as if she could spare a little so she decided to supply breakfast since Shawn was making coffee. She had managed to find some instant oatmeal (just needed hot water) and dried mixed berries the other day in the camping store and thought it might be a sign of goodwill and the hope to continue to have peace between them. Heading down the dock, taking care not to slip on the ice, Olivia found Shawn's boat and climbed aboard. She knocked on the cabin door, making sure to take a few steps back after just in case.