[center][h1]Jack Sullam[/h1][/center] The sound of Hendrix reverberated around the room as Jack's alarm went off. Roughly he rolled over and swung a hand dumbly towards the source of the noise. His old phone registered the touch and quickly went silent. The room was still dark and whilst the sudden illumination of the screen had been blinding, now the dark was the same. Scratching at his eyes Jack carefully sat up and spun around so that his feet touched the floor. The front of his feet met with the rug he had bought, the bottom half sat on the cold wood flooring that was bare under his bed. Shuddering at it's touch Jack stood and stretched out his frame. His muscles tensed, before releasing and shaking slightly. Giving his rear a quick scratch Jack blindly fondled his way to the windows blinds, pulling on the cord he squinted as a bright rising sun appeared. The sun illuminated the rooms contents beautifully. In one corner of the room was Jack's bed, a spartan looking thing with an admittedly comfy mattress and duvet. His sheets were plain white and bought from another one of the hundred bargain shops that could be found in any city. The other corner held Jack's pride and joy. A stand for his guitar and then his DJ kit that he had since he was at the Academy. Alongside it was a fairly good set of Sennheiser surround sound speakers. The wall was plastered with a mix of posters, some of bands Jack liked and others posters for his own gigs. The final side of the room, underneath the window was where his drawers were, and the wall with the en suite and the entrance also held his wardrobe. Padding over to the en suite Jack begun his daily cleansing routine. Whilst he wasn't one of the effeminate males who felt a need to oil and lotion every part of their skin, he knew that he could stink if he didn't clean properly. A scrub and shampoo filled his needs perfectly and by the time he was standing back in his room he had the faint aroma of tea tree and his hair was a mess of wet strands. Using his towel he aided the air in drying his body, dragging the rough cloth over his skin and shaking as the water was quickly cooling, along with his body. Carefully he ran his fingers through his beard, still well kept, it didn't need a trim just yet. Happy with the state of himself, Jack rolled on a fair amount of antiperspirant -he found that the sprays didn't last long enough- and sprayed on a fairly cheap fragrance. Finally he used a brush to put his hair into presetable form and push down a particularly stubborn patch of beard which didn't want to stay put. Reaching into his drawers he grabbed his freshly cleaned boxers and socks. Pulling them on with one hand, he used his other to reach back into the drawers and pull out a pair of black skinny jeans. Hopping across the room as he pulled on his jeans Jack was smooth enough to trip on his rug and half fall into his cupboard. Cursing his clumsiness he righted himself and chuckled at his own misfortune. Opening his cupboard he pulled out his an old checkered plaid shirt and pulled it over his frame. Doing up the shirt he left the top two buttons undone, leaving a slight patch of chest hair showing. Checking himself in the mirror once more, Jack was happy with the final result. Grabbing his phone, keys and wallet from the bedside table he walked to the door and let himself out, making sure to slide into his camel coloured desert boots which stood alongside all his other shoes by the door. However it took some strength as he held the door against the rush of other people in the dorm looking to get down to the gymnasium. The walk to the gymnasium was a fairly short one, living on campus may not have been popular with previous alumni, but damn it was useful. Brushing past fellow 'paupers' he noticed that many had the same excited look on their face that was tainted with a look of nerves and worry. Jack was certain the same face was plastered all over his skull. Arriving at the gymnasium Jack raised a single eyebrow, he hadn't expected trust fund kids to be too happy that they were giving out scholarships. However he hadn't expected such segregation. The divide was both terrifying and impressive. Normally something like this would have to be co-ordinated, yet here it was happening totally naturally due to people's prejudice. People truly were animals. He would have loved to to sit in what was obviously the better seats, however before he could even try, he was swiftly rushed into the 'poor' seats. Grabbing one of the less comfortable seats he shifted and looked around the room. The divide was stark and frankly disgusting. The speech at the beginning of the year seemed as if taken from a book. In actual fact Jack ended up totally blanking out from the speech, instead slowly looking around the room and thinking to himself. Every person had a story to tell, and part of Jack wanted to hear all of them. However another part of him wanted the room to empty so he could have some space to enjoy his time at Hollywood University. Instead the speech simply made him feel more and more alien here, as if he were a burden rather than a boon. As the speech came to an end Jack pushed his way out of the gymnasium quickly, he didn't want to stick around that long and leant up against the wall outside of the gymnasium, as the slower mix of rich and poor filed out.