[b]The Tsardom of Ventium[/b] Flag: (Optional) [hider=Government and Economy] Type of Government: The government of Ventium is an Elective Monarchy, meaning that the people choose the next Tsar/Tsarina from the offspring of the previous leader. However it is not as simple as that, there are many laws/rules/regulations that are enforced, here are some: - A new leader will be elected if any of these criteria are met: death of the current leader; abdication from the throne by the current leader; the current leader has become 51. - Candidates for election must be offspring of the out-going leader (Be they legitimate or otherwise). - A candidate must be 25 or above to participate as a candidate. - There must be a minimum of 5 candidates, if the out-going leader has less; the needed amount may be chosen from nieces or nephews; if there is offspring below 25 the election can be postponed until they become of age; if this is the case the country is to be lead by the out-going leader/his or her spouse/an interregnum. - Once a leader has been elected, the previous will aid as an advisor to the new for 6 months to brief the actions of the previous government. - A leader may only marry another Ventian. Head(s) of Government: - His Imperial Majest, Tsar Voltus Ventus, Lord Treasurer, Supreme Commander of a The Armed Forces (28) - Her Eminence Regina, Tsarina Marie Despereaux, Spouse of The Tsar (22) - Tsarette Katerina Ventus, Sister of The Tsar, Minister of Foreign Affairs (36) - Tsarum Leopold Ventus, Brother of The Tsar, Commander of The Royal Guard (34) - Tsarum Ampov Ventus, Brother of The Tsar, Minister of Agricultural, Mariculture and Forestry (32) - Tsarette Agnes Ventus, Sister of The Tsar, Minister of Mining and Industry (26) Economy: The Ventian Economy is metal based, the value of the currency is directly proportional to the value of silver, gold, platinum and palladium within the treasuries and foreign currency reserves. The royal treasury, reserve and mint are all controlled by the sovereign, to ensure that prices cannot be tampered with, this is done keeping the interests of the Ventian people in mind, keeping prices stable by limiting inflation and deflation. The economy is built on the back of primary and secondary resources, shelling out ores, metal bars, timber and lumber for gold, silver, platinum and palladium, the reason why heavy industrial products aren't traded out in a mass scale is due to the way industry functions. What little factories the country has are all state owned, not only factories but mines, railroads and docks are all state owned; agriculture to a certain extent is also state owned, meaning the state owns and employs people to work on their farms. There are three denominations in the currency, Crowns, Shillings and Pennies; there are 20 Pennies in a Shilling and 12 shillings in a crown. 1 Crown can be taken to the federal reserve and be cashed in for 1 oz. of gold or 40 oz. of silver; 1 Shilling can be cashed in only in silver at a rate of 3.3 oz. per Shilling; And 1 Penny can be cashed in for nothing but a Penny bond unless there is an equivalent in Pennies of Crowns or Shillings. [/hider] [hider=History, Demographics, and Culture.] Primary Species: Human, almost all of which are white, with browns and blacks being the most prevalent hair colors, and browns and hazels being the most prevalent eye colors. Male Ventians grow to become 6'2 on average and females 5'6. Population: Culture: The Ventian culture has been described to have three main pillars, Conservatism, Modesty and Tradition. Conservatism in the form of looking after what they have, not seeking change where it is not needed and in everyday life, people aren't seen wearing bright colors on the streets and everything is neat and in it's place, some would call Ventians plain, they prefer unassuming. Modesty is another large part of their culture, if you have something don't flaunt it, men and woman don't wear expensive looking things often to increase unity and stop division between classes; one example of this was the royal wedding between Voltus Ventus and Maria Despereaux, when she had a dress made, Voltus ordered a dress to be made for every woman in the land and paid from his personal funds, just so everyone could look nice and not be jealous of each other. Finally Tradition, there are many customs and norms that have been steadfastly followed by the Ventian people for hundreds of years, some of these include woman never cutting their hair and men wearing trench coats outside, almost all people observe these rules, even the Tsar and Tsarina; this pillar is said to be interchangeable with loyalty or respect, as they have remained loyal to their tradition or respect them by carrying them out to this day. Religious and other Beliefs: (Spirituality or secularism can be a huge part of peoples identities, so what do your people believe?) History: (This is one section you really can’t fill out alone. Iron Rain is indisputably a sandbox in that you’ve only been given vague details and a theme. So it is VITAL you collaborate with your neighbours and other players not just to craft your own history, but to craft the history of the greater world around you.) [/hider] [hider=Geography, Agriculture, and Industry] Territory: (Be considerate of others, but also be aware we need space filled. Put your map claim here.) Climate: (Our world is warmer than Earth, but not by too much. Northern climates will have the same difficulties as they would have in the real world and other climates can be said to be much the same. Feel free to be detailed here; a temperature doesn’t make a climate so be specific about any geographical details.) Cities, bases, etc: (This can be a list, or an internal map.) Agriculture: (Dependant on your climate and other factors, this can be shorter but as always detail means a better world to RP in.) Industry: (It’s an RP about this, so tell me what sort of industry does your nation have?) [/hider] [hider=Military] Military: (I don’t really have a set way for you to do this, and people usually tend to differ a lot in these sections. So have some freedom, write what you like, but don’t abuse it.) [/hider]