April rose from her seat in the cockpit and rolled the kinks out of her shoulders. Truth be told, she was getting pretty sick of these emergency landings - not that she had any difficulty with them. When she'd taken this job a few months ago, it had seemed lucrative, exciting, and a good way out of some hot water. The Heart had needed a pilot, and April had needed a ship. What nobody had told her was that the ship was a complete rustbucket. Well, maybe the new parts the Captain had... 'acquired' would get that straightened out. If she was lucky, it might even happen this millennium. "What the [i]shit[/i] is taking so long?" she hollered back as she stormed out of the cockpit. "Yall hired me to fly a ship, not look cute, so any chance I'm gonna get to do my job?" The impatient pilot began storming through the ship towards the engines, rolling her eyes as she walked past Preacher Weirdo banging on something with his book. She passed by Hannah, the slightly off-kilter demolitionist, and elbowed her good-naturedly. Rolling her sleeves up, April arrived at the engine room. The girl lowered her goggles onto her head and bent down to survey the problem. "Wow. Our baby girl is [i]fucked[/i]." The girl winced as she surveyed the damage. The ship had never been in great condition, though much of the obvious wear and tear was clearly from the engines being pushed quite a bit past what could be expected of them. "Shit. I do that?" Without waiting for an answer from the ship's engineer, April grabbed a wrench from nearby and knelt down to being making repairs