[color=7bcdc8]I was not involved in that particular RPGC, but it would seem only fair to me to see [@RomanAria] and [@Ellri] receive credit for first place. Aleister Crowley had a wonderful piece that is definitely worth some props, but he is not a member of Guild. (Or at least that I'm aware of anyways.) And he certainly didn't voluntarily enter into the contest. No, that winning title belong rightfully to the two mentioned. The bonuses, I don't feel are a big deal to take a look at. I suppose if someone really wanted to, taking a re-look at the contest could be a thing, but there is no doubt in my mind that those two deserve the Winning title for RPGC #2. I'm not sure there is a lot more that can be done to prevent plagiarism than to simply check for it. And not just you guys. It's hard telling where something might have come from, and a Google check might not always bring something up. mdk might google it and nothing come up, but someone else might just recognize it from something else. The Contest Mods are in charge of running the contest, but it's up to all of us as a community to be resilient and make sure to keep each other in check so that we can grow as a prosperous community. Nothing about this really works without a large group of involvement. Whether that be entering the contest, reviewing, or stepping up if you see something fishy going on. That's really all there is to it. I'm sure the person involved in this would have been caught eventually, whether by me or someone else that felt something was off. I know you and the rest of the crew are beating yourselves up about it, mdk, but it happens. Terminal even sent me a very embarrassed message of thanks for finding it, and they aren't even involved with RPGC, but the other contest. But you guys don't really need to worry about it. You're doing your job to the best of your ability, and yes, this was something that was overlooked, but we know better now. Sadly, not everyone can be trusted. You guys have still been doing a wonderful job in organizing wonderful contest. What are people going to blame you for? Being Human? Like I said, these things happen. Plagiarism is just one way people can cheat. We just need to be watchful and vigilant. All of us. There is no need to beat yourselves up over it. Just continue to be mindful and bringing us awesome contest that we enjoy! :D[/color]