Today was the day. If there was one day that kept Audrey going, it was the day when the cases culminated in actual action, the day where they could finally start archiving all the papers, and, of course, the day that she could go home from work, feeling that for once, they had actually done something useful. Although their current case was relatively straightforward, she had been looking forward to the finale ever since they started it. She always did. She didn’t enjoy the chase half as much as the actual catch, and it was always rewarding increasing the number of cases finished under her name.  Today was the last day out on the field where the suspect, or suspects, finally got what they deserved, and Audrey got to demonstrate to any doubters that yes, she was a woman capable of her work.  As she sat down in the car next to Ken, threw her stuff in the backseat and nodded at him, she couldn’t help but to feel the tingling sense of excitement in the pit of her stomach that only came on days like these. ”[color=plum]All set[/color]”, she repeated with a wide grin. ”[color=plum]Today’s gonna be a good day. Let’s get the tacts and then go bust this guy.[/color]” The car came to life and they went ahead on the road leading to the police headquarters. The soft purr of the motor running through the car and the houses flashing by as they drove past them didn’t calm her down. Instead, the impressions only added to her excitement—they were finally on their way. Turning to fiddle with the air con, Audrey started to involuntarily shake her leg out of restlessness as her thoughts ran wildly in her head.  Like most of her colleagues that day, Audrey kept thinking about Stan. That he occupied most of their minds was not surprising. The team was a tight-knit group of people. Most of them had known each other for a long while. They had seen the best and the worst of one another—it was a natural part of the work they did—and letting someone new in inside that dynamic was naturally unsettling. Whatever the rest of them were doing, the name Stanley Humes most likely haunted their conversation.  ”[color=plum]I’m curious to see how Skye will fare with the our newest addition.[/color]” While Skye had been on the team for some time, she was new to the whole leadership thing. It intrigued Audrey that Ken put her together with Stan. It was natural, seeing as her latest partner had just left, but if Audrey were to decide, she would switch the teams up instead of grouping Skye and Stan together. And yet, a part of Audrey was happy that the decision wasn’t hers to make. She looked forward to seeing whether the two would succeed or not, and while she didn't like to admit it to herself, she partially hoped for the latter option. ”[color=plum]Tell me, something’s off about the guy, right? He seems like way too good of a guy to be so easily let off. What’s the catch?[/color]" Audrey hoped that whatever professional facade Ken put on when talking in front of the group would crumble when the conversation was only between the two of them. He must know [i]something[/i].