[h2]Luna Vs Amelia Collab Fight Final Part[/h2] "[color=9e0b0f]You have guts[/color]." The new spirit commended, his voice echoing as it came through his helmet, deep but crackling like the flames of a great inferno, before charging Luna. Despite the armor, he was fast and closed the distance quickly before swinging his claymore at her with one hand. Even if Luna blocked the blow, she would find herself being blasted out of the castle and into the courtyard again. The knight walked out, his armor glowing in certain places as the air distorted around him from the heat. Amelia followed behind, her expression still the same as it was inside. "[color=fff200]Don't play around[/color]." She said, looking at Luna."[color=fff200]I want her taken out[/color]." "[color=9e0b0f]You are definitely not one to piss off Miss Averyonna[/color]." The knight said, walking over Luna."[color=9e0b0f]So, Ecliptic Mage, think you can actually entertain me enough? Or will you grovel on the ground like all mortals but a select few? Then again, all do, given time if they are warriors[/color]." Luna would barely manage to get her weapons up in the way in time to block the attack, but she was still thrown back into the courtyard. She managed to use her halberd to stabilize her landing and end up on her feet. It seemed like this spirit would be able to match her ecliptic armor in both speed and power. [color=0000FF]"You haven't shown that you're worth groveling to yet. Beat me like I'm nothing, then maybe."[/color] She'd be far more ready for an attack this time. Solar Flare had done nothing, as she had guessed, so it seemed that he had an affinity for fire. She could fight that. Luna dispelled her sword, before holding her hand out. [color=0000FF]"[i]Blade of Luna![/i]"[/color] A white dagger would form in her hand, which she held in a backwards grip. it was as long as her forearm at least, and it created a cold mist around it. While there was no way it could stop that Claymore, she still had the eclipse halberd for that. Taking a breath, she charged the knight full-on, her armor amplifying her speed and strength enough to come close to matching him, if not doing so. As she came close, the eclipse mage slashed with the Halberd. The attack was more to get the Halberd out of the way so she could try to slide under his arm and stab him in the lower back of the knight. She had leaned the hard way that most plate armor was not as thick there, as most of the protection was needed on the front. "[color=9e0b0f]A blade of ice[/color]." The spirit said before Luna charged. He said still before planting his blade into the ground. When she swung with her halberd he caught the blade with a single hand before picking it up and over his head, bringing Luna along with it. If she was still hanging on, he would simply slam her into the ground. If she let go in time to continue her attack, she would find his armor withstood her blade."[color=9e0b0f]Your tactics are primitive and useless. You will have a tough time defeating me with such feeble attempts[/color]." "[color=fff200]You look like you might need some help[/color]." Amelia said."After all, in battle, number give the advantage. [color=fff200]Spiritum terra, ejusdem loci custodem vitae Licet patiens, vos modo irascendum Let quod ira solveris Et scias iram inimicorum[/color]" As she chanted, small orbs of light came out of the green gems on her wings. the orbs were equally green but now had a black center. They sunk into the earth, which began shaking. After a while, it stopped only to the ground beneath Luna and the other spirit to burst open. From it came out a [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonballfanon/images/7/7c/Earth_Elemental_boss.png/revision/latest?cb=20121231150513]giant creature of earth and gems[/url] that let out a roar as it emerged. Luna would've held onto the halberd, and been yanked up. That wasn't good, but she was smart enough to make the weapon be as cold as possible. She hoped that the cold would make his armor brittle and easy to break, and she yelped as she was slammed onto the ground, letting go of her weapon. Instead of simply trying to stand up, Luna would roll under the Knight's legs and stab her knife at the general direction of the back of his knees, hoping to get it lodged in there. Once she had made her attempt, she didn't make another, and got up as quickly as possible, turning towards her opponent and expecting an attack. What she did now expect, however, was the sudden earthquake followed by the beast rearing up beneath her. She'd be fast enough to get onto its back as it got up, and she had an idea. She had never tried to summon three weapons at once, but both of her current weapons were near the knight right now. [i]Well, here goes nothing,[/i] she thought as she gripped a spike on the monster's back and held her hand out. [color=0000FF]"[i]Blade of sol![/i]"[/color] The weapon formed as a long knife, which surprised Luna, but she managed to hold onto the probably now-bucking rock beast. She started to climb up the spines to the bottom of the beast's neck, holding on tightly, and she soon began stabbing the blade into the cracks in the beast. She was trying to defeat this spirit quickly, so she could get back to the other one. Luna would've held onto the halberd, and been yanked up. That wasn't good, but she was smart enough to make the weapon be as cold as possible. She hoped that the cold would make his armor brittle and easy to break, and she yelped as she was slammed onto the ground, letting go of her weapon. Instead of simply trying to stand up, Luna would roll under the Knight's legs and stab her knife at the general direction of the back of his knees, hoping to get it lodged in there. Once she had made her attempt, she didn't make another, and got up as quickly as possible, turning towards her opponent and expecting an attack. What she did now expect, however, was the sudden earthquake followed by the beast rearing up beneath her. She'd be fast enough to get onto its back as it got up, and she had an idea. She had never tried to summon three weapons at once, but both of her current weapons were near the knight right now. [i]Well, here goes nothing,[/i] she thought as she gripped a spike on the monster's back and held her hand out. [color=0000FF]"[i]Blade of sol![/i]"[/color] The weapon formed as a long knife, which surprised Luna, but she managed to hold onto the probably now-bucking rock beast. She started to climb up the spines to the bottom of the beast's neck, holding on tightly, and she soon began stabbing the blade into the cracks in the beast. She was trying to defeat this spirit quickly, so she could get back to the other one. The warrior spirit barely flinched at het attacks Luna made against him. Instead, he got launched up at well. However, he knew this creature was an ally and didn't bother attacking it. Seeing Luna attempting to do so, he rushed over and grabbed her blade before it sank into the earth primordial. "[color=9e0b0f]No such luck[/color]." He said, holding out his spare hand. His claymore flew into it and he tossed Luna off before jumping off after her. Luna would yell as she fell to the ground, and roll several feet. This was going badly, and her knife hadn't gotten stuck like she had wanted it to. She hadn't lost yet however, and she quickly stood back up, facing her opponent. She quickly went over in her head what she had figured out about her opponent so far. His armor did not slow him down, it seemed, but what was under it? Her cold didn't seem to work, so that was out of the question to use again. He was skilled enough to catch her weapon, so she would have to make that undesirable. Or impossible. She tried to think what could she do to make him not want to risk grabbing her weapon. A sword, maybe. Polearms were out of the question, he'd just grab the shaft like he did with her halberd. Maybe... Maybe if she fought him on equal terms. [color=0000FF]"Alright. Let's play then. [i]Eclipse Blade![/i]"[/color] A black claymore would form in her right hand, and she readied herself. [color=0000FF]"But if we're going to fight fair you're going to have to ask your friend to wait on the sidelines."[/color] Swallowing, she moved the sword into a two handed grip. "[color=fff200]Who said anything about playing fair[/color]." Amelia said from the background. "[color=9e0b0f]Exactly[/color]." The knight spirit said before charging forward. The creature behind him let out a roar, causing spikes of rock and gem to erupt from the ground, all of them aiming to hit Luna while the knight danced around them to continue his assault, sending a one-handed downward strike at Luna once he reached her, the blow just as powerful as the one that had knocked her out of the castle. Luna would dodge about the gems and rocks popping up around her. She managed to avoid them until the opposing Knight brought down his strike towards her. Luna would bring her new claymore to match his, gripping it with two hands and only wincing a little at the shock wave that would ring out from the attack. Luna's attention, however, would be on her opponents hand. She was anticipating some kind of attempt at a strike or grapple from it as she jumped back away from her opponent. [color=0000FF]"I guess I'll have to handle the other spirit and get back to you then."[/color] Luna would stab the sword into the ground, and a magic circle would appear over the sun/moon symbol in the crossbar. [color=0000FF]"[i]Light of the Eclipse![/i]"[/color] The area would go dark again, and Luna would spend the moment she would have of being invisible to dash to one side, then at the beast spirit. She'd pass by it's right leg, moving at speeds that the monster would be unable to mimic. As Luna began to slow down, a great slash of light, going through the Creature of Stone's leg, just above the ankle, would cut through the darkness and mark where she had struck the spirit. She was unsure if that would do as much damage as she hoped, but she needed to refocus on the knight-like spirit again before he pummeled her. The Earth Primordial let out a roar of main as Luna's attack cut through most of it's leg, about half way. It lifted it's injured foot and slammed it on the ground, breaking it off completely but only angering it more. Amelia muttered under her breathe. In this form, her earth spirit was powerful but also... rather dumb. It was an animal and had the mentality of one. She waved her hand and let it disappear, more for the safety of their surroundings and to let it heal then anything else. She looked at her Knight. "[color=fff200]Take her down Phlegethon. Just don't burn down the town[/color]." She said. "[color=9e0b0f]As you wish[/color]." the knight replied before stabbing his sword into the ground. Cracks began appearing along the ground, which was heating up very quickly. Out of the cracks, walls of fire sprouted surrounding Luna and cornering her. Even in her armor, the heat from the flames was stifling and likely to heat up the metal. Phlegethon walked through them with no effort however and approached Luna, his sword now aflame."[color=9e0b0f]Take this seriously mortal, or you will know death and swim in my river for all eternity[/color]." Luna would keep her footing as the ground began breaking up underneath her. The giant creature was gone now, so that meant just Phlegethon left to beat, then she would have to hit Amelia. The eclipse mage took a breath, and moved into a stance that would make it hard to move her, and she watched her opponent approach. [color=0000FF]"What, you think I'm La-de-de-dahing about this fight? I assure you I am taking this seriously."[/color] She'd spin her sword once, before reading it again, holding it in both hands. [color=0000FF]"If you don't mind me asking, can your sword break? Or is it magical, and thus unbreakable?"[/color] She'd watch his blade to see what he would do with it, and the fire and heat wouldn't seem to bother her at all. The spirit was silent for a few seconds before asking a simple question. "[color=9e0b0f]Are you familiar with the Five Riders? Or the Four Riders, as your humans seem to prefer to think there is one less[/color]." He said Luna kept her guard up, but humored her opponent. [color=0000FF]"I've heard them mentioned before, but I haven't gone out and figured out what they are."[/color] "[color=9e0b0f]Well, you're looking at one. Your people used to call me by a much simpler name. War.[/color]" Plegethon said before slamming his fist on the ground and causing a pillar of fire to erupt around Luna, the flames like the inside of a blacksmith's furnace. Luna would nod as her opponent named himself for what he really was, and when the pillar of fire erupted, she took a quick breath. It had caught her off guard, but she wasn't harmed when it disappeared, and she let herself chuckle softly. Not outwardly acknowledging that she was now sweating. [color=0000FF]"I'm a Solar Mage, you'd be good to remember that. I'm not as vulnerable to heat and fire as most people, not to mention my armor mitigates it a bit. After all, the sun is pretty damn hot to go slinging around with no problem, eh?"[/color] She'd chuckle again, holding her position, and waiting for her opponent to attack. She had a plan. "[color=9e0b0f]Then shall I burn your soul instead of your flesh[/color]?" Phlegethon asked Luna swallowed, but kept her stance. [color=0000FF]"Feel free to try. Doesn't look like I can stop you, yet."[/color] "[color=9e0b0f]You can never stop war until one side wins. That's how conflict is. So how to you stop a war against war?[/color]" Phlegethon asked before charging and doing a two handed underswing. If one-handed was enough to knock Luna back a few feet, this would send her flying. Luna shrugged a little. [color=0000FF]"I wouldn't call this quite a war. Maybe a battle, but not a war."[/color] She'd watch him as he charge, and as he swung Luna would move into a strong stance and block the two handed strike with her weapon, grunting as she did. It was powerful, and another shock wave exploded from the clash, but Luna was not thrown away like the Rider of War had wanted. [color=0000FF]"But you are not war itself, you are simply the rider. The... Incarnation if you will, which means you aren't invulnerable. Even if your body is, you still have a clear weakness."[/color] It'd be clear by her voice that she was gritting her teeth when he attacked, straining to keep it from simply going through her defense. "[color=9e0b0f]And you're growing tired[/color]." Phlegethon said, as he began battering away at her with two handed strikes. "[color=fff200]If you want, I'm willing to call this a draw. Just say the word and I'll call him off[/color]." Amelia called from the background. Luna would keep blocking the attacks but she laughed slightly when Amelia said that she could call it a draw. [color=0000FF]"What, so you can hit me over the head when my back is turned? I don't think so."[/color] She'd move to block another attack, one that was coming at a downwards angle, and she moved under the blow. She'd block again, but instead of stopping the attack, the Rider of War's blade would slice it in two, forcing him to continue with the strike. The Eclipse mage, however, would seem to have planned this, and used Phlegethon's moment of being open to try to stab the now broken sword into the gap between the armor and his neck before rolling past him to try and avoid his next inevitable strike, and running for the nearest of her fallen weapons. The strike to the neck hit home and Phlegethon stopped for a moment. Then he turned around to face Luna and laughed. "[color=9e0b0f]You know, you were smart to leave this in here[/color]." He said, pointing to the hilt of the weapon in his neck."[color=9e0b0f]Of course, you can take it out, but that would not result well for the city. I got to wonder how many blocks would be destroyed. A millennium of building up power could be a problem, when it's all released at once[/color]." "[color=fff200]Phlegethon, enough. She can't win against you, and she knows it[/color]." Amelia said."[color=fff200]Take it out, you're fine. If there was a gap there, it means you were containing the power in that area anyway[/color]." "[color=9e0b0f]You need to learn about psychological warfare Miss Averyonna[/color]." Phlegethon replied, pulling the blade out and tossing it aside. "[color=fff200]I'm offering her a draw, but she seems to think I'll just stab her in the back. But what's the point, the event should be almost over by now[/color]." Amelia said Luna would get to the blade of Sol, picking up the long knife and facing the Rider of War again. While it was clear by her body language she wasn't happy that the attack had done absolutely nothing, and she rolled her shoulders as she stood up, now between him and Amelia. [color=0000FF]"Well, that Mellennium of pent up power is going to have to wait until some other fight, as you've forgotten your one, glaring, major weakness."[/color] Luna would turn, before charging full speed at Amelia, getting to her sooner than Phlegethon could, and attempting to slam the pommel of the weapon against Amelia's head, trying to knock her out. Amelia was surprised when Luna got close to her and even more surprised when the pommel of Luna's weapon slammed into her head and knocked her to the ground. She was dazed but not out.Phlegethon did not move, watching as Amelia took a few seconds to get to her feet. "[color=fff200]That barely hurt. I'm suffered much worse and I will not give in until the event is over[/color]." She said. Her vision was foggy at best and another blow like that might do her in, but that would still leave Phlegethon. Not that her magical power wasn't near empty anyway, she couldn't maintain him much longer. Luna seemed to have plenty of stamina and looked like she hadn't even cast a spell yet, despite using so many big ones. Luna would roll her eyes as Amelia got up and tried to smack-talk, but it was clear that it had had effect, so Luna hit again. She wanted to knock Amelia down before Phlegethon got there and attacked from behind. This time, Luna slammed the pommel into the bottom of Amelia's chin, before doing a strike a little weaker than a good punch across her jaw. Luna hoped that would knock her out, and she glanced back at Phlegethon to see if he disappeared, or was about to attack her. "[color=9e0b0f]Even if you take her down, I will remain until her magical power runs out[/color]." Phlegethon said nonchalantly. Amelia wasn't able to get to her feet this time but she barely managed to get to her knees, bare conscious now. Luna would look over at him, and shrug slightly before hitting Amelia again. [color=0000FF]"Maybe so, but this keeps her from trying to summon something else to hit me while I deal with you, and so we can have a peaceful little fight until she runs out of magic power. But I'll give her a bit of credit, she's pretty tough. If she were to get some good martial training, she'd be a force to be reckoned with, between her spirits and her ability to take forever to go down."[/color] The eclipse mage let the helmet of her armor fade away, seemingly unworried about fighting now, and more willing to talk. She knew that she had probably just gotten whatever points there were for beating another player, and between Amelia and those two Golems, she silently swore that there'd be havoc if she didn't get at least second place. "[color=9e0b0f]From what I've gleaned, that toughness is natural, unlike those wings of hers. And yes those are real. Sadly, her magical power is almost up, as is yours no doubt. If it isn't, I would say you cheated, but all is fair in war[/color]." Phlegethon said as Amelia finally went down Luna would look at the wings, and shrug a little. [color=0000FF]"They're kind of pretty, if odd."[/color] She'd start to reach down to touch one, but stopped and turned back to the knight she had been fighting. [color=0000FF]"I've still got a good bit of magical power left, I couldn't do the whole fight over again. I, uh, tend to hold back because I don't want to hurt people more than I have to. I went full-out on the Golems and that rock monster, and you never gave me the opportunity to me to throw everything I've got at you without risking me getting myself hurt too much. Not to mention I didn't want either of our guilds to end up billions in debt from damage to the Castle."[/color] She'd let a slight blush rise in her cheeks, and she'd chuckle a little, holding her weapon ready still. "[color=9e0b0f]Other then the fact that it has spires of rock and gem all over it. You should've accepted her offer then so she could get rid of them[/color]." Phlegethon said before him time was up and he sank into the ground Luna would chuckle softly at the last comment, and nod as her last opponent disappeared. Smiling softly, the Eclipse mage would let her armor fade as she picked up Amelia and propped her up against a statue, before turning to the Castle, ready to delve its depths finally.