Benny had been picked up when they got this cargo- it was him, in fact, that needed to get it moved, and him that got the job for the cap'n. He may have said something out of hand, and his boss may have gotten angry, and so he offered to transport the goods for cheap in record time... hence why he was on this rust bucket. He sat in his room looking at the relatively cramped quarters. It was such a downgrade- how could he possibly work efficiently when the walls and ceilings were peering over his shoulder, like so? Even Garry seemed out of sorts- he was in power-down mode, which he only did when the small artificial intelligence was feeling stressed or especially tired. He shivered, and left his cramped room, trading that for a far too fragile door and for a cramped hallway. He felt like Heart of Gold was watching him- he started whispering quietly, as he walked up to the bridge, so low that no one could understand. He stepped past the captain without even acknowledging her presence- even as he made way for her, his eyes were focused elsewhere, on a thought, sightless. He navigated up the steps, pulled out a small wireless device, and crouched to peer under the second console's desk, shifting through wires and pieces of technology, before finding what he was looking for. He pulled out a wire, plugged the device into its port, and then plugged the wire into the device- leaving the entire thing completely uninterrupted, except now he can remotely talk to the ship. He pushed himself out from under it, and pulled out a 'desk' from a pocket on the side of his pants- a book-sized inch-thick piece of military technology, know for being practically indestructible. Its touch screen lit up as his fingers touched the hidden fingerprint scanner, and he started sorting through Heart of Gold's systems remotely, requesting troubleshootings and inserting handcrafted pieces of code into various pre-selected programs, altering them slightly to improve efficiency- and keep him locked in. The he set it to sleep mode, strapped it back to his leg, and walked back down to the cargo bay to get a breath of fresh air. Heart of Gold may be a beauty, but she made him uncomfortable beyond words. After walking straight down the middle of the ramp, he whistled, calling Garry- his little robot- which scurried down from his room, six radial legs working fast to move him to his destination. By the time he sat down, Garry had leaped a whopping ten feet and perched on his shoulder, rubber-tipped legs gripping his jacket. He pulled his admin desk out of its pocket again, and started tapping away, solving problems within the ship with a tablet. And when a man walked up asking if they were accepting travelers, all he had to say was, "Oh. Hello. Talk to the cap'n." Then he went back to his work.