[center][h3][color=bc8dbf]Leo Shin[/color] | [color=7ea7d8]Julio Shin[/color][/h3][/center] [color=7ea7d8]"Well, this is different."[/color] The Shin brothers had been some of the earliest to arrive, thanks to Julio's penchant for punctuality, and had taken the time to eat breakfast at the little campus-run café. Leo kept going on about how good the pastries had been, and when they'd finished their coffee the twins walked together to orientation. In middle and high school they had played the stereotypical "identical twin games" such as wearing the same clothes and playing pranks by switching places with each other. It had been a lot of fun, but they'd sort of grown out of such childish practices. Mostly. Now, standing side-by-side, they still looked very much like one another, but were fairly easy to tell apart. Leo was outfitted in a crisp white blazer and slacks, offset by a black button-down and black shoes so polished they reflected the sun. Julio, on the other hand, wore a pair of faded jeans, an Evanescence T-shirt, and a pair of Converse. His hair was longer too, though mostly hidden beneath a blue-and-black striped beanie. In contrast to Leo--who could have stepped out of a fashion magazine--Julio looked very--well--ordinary. The only thing that betrayed his upper-class status was the Piaget Altiplano that graced his wrist; the watch's skeleton design baring all the inner gears and workings of the piece. It had been a birthday present from Leo, almost as a joke in light of his obsession for being on time, but he wore it nearly every day. They arrived at the gymnasium exactly fourteen minutes before the program was scheduled to start and checked in. Some were already there, but the bulk of the student body wouldn't appear until about five minutes before the scheduled start. And then, inevitably, the start would be delayed while everyone rushed to check in and find seats. Julio let out an inaudible sigh, then shook his head to himself. As long as he was on time he couldn't really help what the rest of them did. Rather than sit down right away, the twins mingled. It was their second year at Hollywood and there were a handful of friends from the previous year hanging around, and plenty of new people. Already the room appeared segregated. [color=bc8dbf]"I remember them saying something about letting the working class in this year,"[/color] murmured Leo, [color=bc8dbf]"The way you're dressed it looks like you belong over with them."[/color] Julio shrugged, [color=7ea7d8]"If they've got talent then why not? It makes sense for them to grant scholarships to promising artists. They gave me one after all."[/color] He grinned and Leo looked annoyed. The fact that Julio had landed a scholarship and Leo hadn't was no longer a sore subject, but Julio wouldn't let him forget it. [color=bc8dbf]"It's because you look like you just wandered in from the street,"[/color] Leo said demurely. They both laughed, and then drifted apart as a group of Leo's friends arrived. They were Julio's friends too, in a sense. You couldn't befriend one of the Shin brothers without simultaneously befriending the other. Still, Julio knew that he'd have plenty of time to catch up with them later. Orientation was the best time to introduce himself to some new faces, so while Leo found a seat with his clique on the side of the gym where the other wealthy kids were gathering, Julio found himself being swept over to the other side where the scholarship students had congregated, introducing himself to a few of the freshmen and welcoming them to the Academy. He ended up sitting on that side unintentionally, though he wasn't disappointed because there was a really cute girl who sat next to him. After Maddox's speech, the cheers and mixed laughter, the room again stirred to life as everyone resumed talking to each other. Some got up and left right away. Julio slouched in his chair and chatted with those sitting next to him. Just pleasantries really, "where are you from?" and "what's your major" and "which professors do you have?" and so on. He did manage to get a few phone numbers. When they excused themselves to leave he twisted in his seat to see if anyone still lingered in the row behind him. There was one boy, about his own height with brown curly hair, who was sitting back in his chair with a somewhat sullen expression. [color=7ea7d8]"Hey,"[/color] with a friendly smile Julio stuck out his hand to the boy and introduced himself, [color=7ea7d8]"I'm Julio. You don't have to look so worried, if you survived high school then college is a breeze. Where are you from?"[/color] [hr] Leo wasted no time in gathering a posse of similarly well-endowed and well-dressed students around himself as soon as Orientation ended. There was talk of a party to kick off the year, Leo and two of his friends had already rented the rooftop of a nearby hotel, equipped with a full bar and pool. There was some dissent as to whether or not the "poor" would be invited. Most of them agreed that it wouldn't matter, that it would be fun, while a few were abhorrently opposed to the idea. Word of the party spread quickly among the rich kids, and almost a third of them already knew about it since the event had been planned months ago. Anyone who was anyone was going to be there, and those who knew Leo knew he was famous for throwing fabulous parties. The group headed outside. Summer was winding down and the weather was perfectly mild. Leo donned a pair of Bentley's to keep the sun out of his eyes, and then noticed a girl in a purple dress perched on the hood of a white Chevy Tahoe. She waved at them, and he waved back, then separated himself from the group to approach her. [color=bc8dbf]"Party tonight at Shangri-La for anyone who enjoys the finer things in life,"[/color] he said, taking off the sunglasses so he could look her in the eye, [color=bc8dbf]"As the host I'd like to formally extend an invitation to you, miss. You look like the type who enjoys sipping mimosa while sitting next to rooftop poolsides."[/color]