Leander had originally paid little to no attention to the young female warrior. After all, at a tavern, people came for food and shelter, then went on their merry way. However, what caught his attention was that she was a paladin, and she made a rather interesting announcement about a raid on the Prison-Castle. Normally, a raid on that place captured merely the hearts of adventurers with gold fever. A paladin, however, would normally have no such interests. Naturally, Leander was interested enough to offer his aid in the venture. At the very least, he'd learn a little more about the Prison-Castle. After a few hours of silently walking, the finally arrived at the tomb of Mad King Haldric. The explanation of what had happened to King Haldric was rather helpful, allowing him to remember some of his knowledge about the subject. Leander used to wonder what had happened to King Haldric. Considering there were undead within the castle, some composed of the former occupants of the castle no less, it was likely King Haldric became some form of undead as well. Perhaps even a sapient undead being like himself. It would certainly help explain why Miss Tanya was on this quest of hers. However, there was no longer time for theorizing. Leander walked over to the skeletal remains, careful not to get too close, and began to examine them, as well as the surrounding area around the remains. Upon close inspection, the hole in the skull suggested a small projectile was the cause. Too small to be an arrow, a dart maybe? Judging from where the hole was and how the remains laid on the floor, it suggested that the trap was triggered by opening the door. Exactly how the trap worked was beyond Leander's knowledge, but considering what this place had been though, perhaps it was safe to say that the trap no longer functions as it once did, if at all. Of course, Leander would be a fool now to exercise caution, and created a basic ward to deflect incoming projectiles. Leander tried to open the front doors, but they were locked. Odd. You'd think that with so many adventurers coming here, they would have figured out how to unlock the front door by now. Either that, or... there was an easier way in. With that in mind, Leander left the front door and began searching the sides of the building for some sort of entry point.