[b]Tidius[/b] [@t2wave] Tidius purshed his lips in thought, as Ariel had a key in her hand. He studied the situation, pondering it for a moment. [color=0072bc]"You said you used this magic before, correct? But nothing happened? That you passed out, rather. Perhaps these spirits appeared and you were unable to deal with such magic at that time?"[/color] He said, trying to figure out what was happening, but without all the right information, he had nothing he could go on. [b]Master Jamie[/b] Jamie had to stop his search for Mithera, as she saw on a lacrima screen the end of the battle between Amelia and Luna. Jamie darted towards the castle, and Amelia, worried that the young mage was hurt badly, approaching the castle grounds, watching the spirit warily. Jamie knew nothing about this spirit, and didn't want to get on the wrong side of it. [color=f26522]"is she alright?"[/color] The timer now read 04:23. [b]Games Master sheldon[/b] [color=ec008c]"Tut tut tut! Bad Bad Bad Luna, you can't enter the castle right now!"[/color] Games Master Sheldon chuckled, appearing in front of the castle, a wide grin on his face, clapping his hands in glee. [b]Announcer Jessie[/b] Jessie had been on the edge of her seat the whole event, focused on the fight between Phoenix Wing and Iron Enigma, not paying attention to much else that was happening, wide eyed. [color=f6989d]"OH my, what a exciting fight! it's hard to tell who came off better in that battle, the young Phoenix Wing Wizard Amelia got some good shots in there, but lost the battle. I suppose that Games Master Sheldon will tell us more!"[/color] [b]Sasha[/b] Sasha smiled at the story, wishing hers was better, or at least slightly more...light then it was. She nodded, knowing it was a pretty common story with magic. Marelene must have had some knowledge of the gem, before stouching it even if she hadn't knowing about it. [color=6ecff6]"it's a lovely story"[/color] She said softly, [color=6ecff6]"I was alone at a young age, and my master taught me, this really old, cranky man. But he taught me a lot about ice make magic. taught me the beauty in it, and the deadliness of it"[/color]