[@Kurisa][@rusty4297][@Axel][@KillBox][@Oblivion666][@AbigailTenshi] Koyoshi was waiting on one of the lower seated members of her squad to offer her their shirt but she was a little shocked when Captain Sanada came up from behind and draped his haori over her. She could not help but blush at the sign of kindness from a captain towards her as she scrambled a little to fit the haori right. Sadly she didn't have her armband with her, having left it in Sai's office, but with everyone here she was sure no mistakes were going to be made. After Captain Sanada had finished her talk with Captain Kagiko, Koyoshi gave a small bow in thanks [color=fff79a][b]"Thank you captain, I will go and search the local area, I know a few places that may be of use." [/b][/color]With that she turned around to give another bow to Sai before running off, giving one more wave before vanishing into the city. --- Thankfully the time that had past was short and sweet as she had suspected the building had not been torn down or even converted! The old steel factory was once used in world war 2 but from what she could gather it was fenced off and was going to be converted into some kind of sweet and soft drink factory, well that was last year. It would be safe to think that the place was abandoned and with it being a little ways out from the city it meant that the hollows attracted to them would be less likely to bother innocents. With this she sent off a report with two of the unseated members of 13 to go tell Sai and Kagiko about the possible site.