[center][h3][color=9e0b0f][b]B[/b]ryn [b]H[/b]lison[/color][/h3] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lc1m1acj0Q1qedzelo1_500.gif[/img][hr][hr][/center] When Bryn woke up, she couldn't breath. The nightmares were overpowering, her brain went into a state of what is called sleeping paralysis. She took deep breaths, before all at once, she could move again. She threw back her blankets, trying to cool down. Her kitten, Mickey, was laying in between her feet at the bottom her bed and blinked sleepily. [color=9e0b0f]“Go back to bed, katten.”[/color] Bryn said, sliding out of bed. She looked to her left, outside the massive floor to ceiling windows that occupied the left side of her apartment. Below she could see the city. Like any city, it never sleeps, but there were also signs of it waking up too. Bryn lingered for a moment more before she went into her closet to grab clothes for the day. She knew it was the first day of school and all, but really she couldn't care less. She simply grabbed the first white shirt that was clean and some black pants, shoving them on before going downstairs and grabbing some cereal. Lucky Charms were addicting, in the good way, so she had them almost every morning. She scrolled through the news feed, making sure the world didn't end while she was sleeping, before she figured she couldn't delay it any longer. Bryn leaned against the wall of the elevator as she rode down to the garage and her car. She hated the thing, it was a gift from her parents when she got out of rehab. She was also required to drive it, rather than take public transportation which is ridiculous. If she could take a taxi in Israel, then why can't she take a taxi or the bus in America? Either way, she got in the car, shoving her bag in the passenger seat and started off for school. When she arrived, she wasn't surprised how many more cars there were. She was told several days ago that this initiative was going to take place, so to her this wasn't a complete surprise. Still, she was surprised at the shear number of people. It looked like they almost matched the number of students there were already enrolled. The thought made her smile, some of the people here could be so stuck up, it was ridiculous. This would be good for them, making them interact with other human beings who weren't the same as them. When she finally found a parking spot and got to the building, the speech was nearly over, so she stood outside of the doors, waiting for one of her friends to come out. She didn't see anyone, even when it was nearly empty so she headed in to see if the could spot the twins, or CeCe. Looking around, she found Julio talking to a kid who looked fresh out of high school. She wandered over, and flopped herself next to the kid. [color=9e0b0f]“Or maybe it was the fact that the room actually managed to segregate itself according to wealth. I've seen a lot in my short, short, lifetime but that was something, I'm telling you. I'm Bryn, by the way. Nice to meet you.”[/color] Bryn smiled at the kid.