Captain looked over towards Hannah and nodded as she boarded the boat with her box of goodies; she could never understand how that girl always seemed to remain so chipper, nothing seemed to bother her. Shrugging to herself she passed it off as being young but even when Captain had been young she hadn’t been [i]that[/i] chipper. The girl got the job done, so that was all that mattered to her. Reaching into her vest she pulled out a pack of cigarettes where she had a lighter stuffed into the pack. Pulling out a single one, she placed it between her lips and flicked her lighter. Taking a long pull from it before exhaling she glanced around as she leaned against the outside of the ship, waiting for the rest of the crew to load up and for the repairs to be finished. Perking a brow as she watched a man carrying some cargo approach the ship she took another pull from her cigarette as he came over to her and spoke; asking if she was taking on passengers. Blowing the smoke out from between her lips roughly she looked him over for a moment before nodding yes and then shaking her head no. “I could be, depends on who you are,” she stated flatly as she pushed off the ship and tilted her head to the side. “What you want and what you can offer,” she added before flicking the cigarette off to the side, it landing in the dirt and smoldering there until it went out of its own accord. She was about to say more when Benny came over to them. At the words that passed she rolled her eyes slightly and walked over to where she had flicked the cigarette and picked it back up, relighting it and taking another long pull from it. “Gorram crew gonna drive me to an early grave,” she muttered with the smoke held between her lips. Turning she walked back over to the two and shooed Benny away. “Go get that computer console fixed, I’m tired of the wires frazzling out and the navigation system blinking out. April is probably tired of flying blind. I know I am,” she stated quickly before turning her attention back to the new comer. “So, who are you, what do you want and what can you offer?” she asked as she removed the cigarette from her lips and stood there with her arms crossed over her chest.