Name: Cyrek Krusek Age: 30 Position: Ship's Mechanic Appearance/Clothing: [img],fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/iy3cxblyn58fpme4ukoz.png[/img] Stands at 5'8". His usual attire is everything pictured along with a leather jacket that protects him from sparks while working on the ship. He also has a much less burned leather jacket, which is more of his 'special occasion' jacket. Skills: Welding, engine work. He wouldn't be able to fly a ship, except maybe to save his life(like one of the lifecrafts). He can shoot well enough to kill and fight. He's strong enough to go punch for punch with the best, but he's not an expert in any fighting style other than street brawling. Strangely, he possesses the talent to work on the ship's engines while drunk. He can also shoot and fight while drunk fairly well. He likes to lift weights when not working on the engines. Smoking, if that can be called a skill. Crimes Against the Alliance: Taking other people's vehicles and ships(vehicle theft). Aiding and abiding offenders of the law(in other words, his business was for criminals and he did a lot of work for smugglers). Weapons: [hider=Weapons] [img][/img] 12 gauge. He uses oo buckshot with it. [img][/img] Chambered in 30-30 winchester. [img][/img] His pride and joy. [/hider] Possessions: Welding goggles, all sorts of tools which he keeps in a tool box and cabinets, all for repairing the ship and any appliances. Personality: He's very touchy about the engines. He doesn't like it when someone else tries to conduct work on them other than himself, unless he deems them worthy. He has great pride in his work as a mechanic and considers himself a welding artist. He's still a very charismatic man, generally being happy as long as his engines are purring and the ship is still flying. He loves to drink himself into the ground after a hard days work. He can be pretty ornery when everyone is tugging him every which way to repair something. History: Cyrek was raised by his mother and her siblings. His uncle was a great influence in his life, teaching him all he knew about mechanics. He became mostly fascinated with welding, as there was a lot of welding to do in the scrapyards that his family owned and worked in. He took up repairing the body of vehicles and aircraft as it involved the most welding, but he made their engines purr. The scrapyards wasn't all that legal, in reality. They stole vehicles and crafts of varying types, and tore them apart and started selling them for the parts. That was how the business always worked. The problem with illegal activities like this was they get the attention of either the law or other gangs. In this case, it was the other gangs. They ended up stealing the wrong crafts and got into a turf war with a drug running gang. His long time girlfriend, who was a stripper(not exactly the best choice in women), ended up leaving him when the turf war started. She started a relationship with the son of the boss of the drug running gang. This resulted in bloodshed on both sides, Cyrek losing his family to the scrapyard being burned and blown up. Cyrek ended up killing the boss, the boss's son, his ex-girlfriend, and burned everything they worked for to the ground. In the end, there were no winners in the turf war. All of this hell was soon interrupted by the Alliance coming in and breaking up their personal war. Cyrek had to make a quick escape from his old path, leaving the Alliance to deal with the fallout and all of the rival gang that was left. Cyrek ended up selling himself off to a ship known as the Heart of Gold.