[h2]Lucina[/h2] Lucina, upon learning how to operate the fancy-schmancy floating-iPad-sorta thing, pored carefully over the terms of the contract. "Fair enough," she noted, before signing the the terms-and-conditions agreement. She shouldn't come across trouble in Academy City; after all, what reason did she have to harm this place? Lucina had to admit, this situation was [i]less-than-optimal[/i]; lost in another dimension, Lucina could only imagine the destruction of her world by the fell dragon. She thought she could hear the people's dying screams [h2]Grigori Rasputin[/h2] Seemed like everybody was just dropping out of the [i]Foecrusher[/i]; Rasputin figured he ought to do the same. The Russian lich spread his scraggly unholy arms as he opened his reliquary to allow his dark minions to swirl around him. [i]"Come my minions Rise for your master! Let your evil shine! Find it now, yes, fly ever faster!"[/i] Surrounded by a glowing cyclone of demons, Rasputin took into the air and dove, cackling, towards Castle Tepes with blood in his gaze. The demons dropped Rasputin off beyond the gates, before charging, with their arms outstretched and talons out to shred, in through the windows. The Mad Monk, in the meantime, collapsed into a bouncing menagerie of rotting body parts, due to the force of impact. But Rasputin was used to this; he had casually fallen apart in his villainous musical number in [i]Anastasia.[/i] Rasputin's parts bounced along the courtyard, heading towards the main entrance, but as he re-assembled himself, the shadow of a tree grabbed the shadow of his cloak, and whirled him around to the wall. Two shadowy Loa crept before him, chittering in disapproval. Rasputin's face twisted into a warped visage of fury. [i]So, the bokur thinks he's too good for us, eh?[/i] Rasputin thought. Rasputin opened his reliquary and two of his demons emerged to combat the Loa. "Keep them busy," Rasputin ordered. "I have a gemstone to swipe."