[color=a1e4ee][h3][u][center]Kaelira Isrilen[/center][/u][/h3] [sub][center]Sister-wife of Kalani Solle, Bride of Krone the Scream Taker[/center][/sub][/color] It took a second for the girl to come to her senses. She was in a warm room. On a hard marble floor, sure, but, the fire was crackling, and in the flickering light she could make out the enormous bed she was next to. Weakly she tried to move, though she cried with the pain that shot through her. A rattle of chains and she realized she could move only a few inches in any direction. Those bastards! They’d left her here, in what she could presume was Krone’s personal chamber, naked and shackled by wrists and ankles and throat, and utterly helpless. It was certainly more comfortable than where they’d had her before, but nonetheless. The girl shifted, trying to get comfortable (or at least less uncomfortable), though every motion sent a bolt of pain through her body. She’d tried to fight the guards off, having kicked one in a not-so-nice place and then, once she’d had a moment to think, nearly drowning one in his own blood. Oh, the joys of being a Water Gem. But they were stronger than her, and had quickly overwhelmed her, sucking the air from her lungs. And then when she’d been woken, she was shackled and spread helpless, and the men had their way with her. And she hadn't even had the satisfaction of hurting one of them, for they searched her and took the fork. At least she hadn’t screamed. At least she hadn’t begged for mercy. But she’d wanted to. Gods, she wanted to die, rather than be their toy. Forced to the limits of her body’s endurance and denied her own release, degraded and humiliated and utterly shamed. And now lying here, filthy and covered in the-gods-knew-what, she couldn’t even muster the energy to go through with it. Because in that moment, she would have. Drowned herself the same way she nearly did to the Drakken male, by pulling the water out of her own blood and into her lungs. But she couldn’t. She was far too exhausted, her magic stores depleted. And anyway… That little voice in the back of her head, that said she’d see Ridian someday, that said everything could still be alright… It wouldn’t shut up. It was quite annoying, really. But nonetheless, she supposed it was doing it's job, keeping her alive. And that was her last coherent thought before she collapsed into unconsciousness. [hider=Summary] Kai is brought back to the chamber, somewhat delirious and not-really-entirely-sure-what's-going-on. Basically, just self-reflection in this post. Not really much else I can do. [/hider]