Izumi soon made her way up to the roof of the school during her patrol and on the roof were the ninjas, the second they got a look of Izumi a thunder clap filled the air followed by a bright flash of lighting in the sky and it began to rain almost like something in an old fashioned noire movie or action movie. The ninjas kicked the security guards around and knocked out a couple. It was a good thing that Izumi arrived the moment she did or the Ninjas would've probably killed the guards, when one of the ninjas unsheathed a kunai from a thigh belt, the stoic woman ran in and kicked the Ninja that was about to execute a guard, and landed in the middle of the group of Ninja. The stoic woman then delivered an elbow to the throat of one of the ninjas stunning him, then she reversed headbutted another ninja, one of the ninjas unsheathed a sword from their back and began swinging their sword at Izumi, but the stoic teen just dodged the swipes and caught the blade with both her hands, when he tried to hit her with an over head swing, she then kneed the ninja in his lower jaw and punched him in the nose and he staggered off of the roof and took a quick trip to the ground, the Ninja with the Kunai tried to stab Izumi with it but she stopped him by grabbing his wrist and twisting his arm to an odd position. The ninja let go of his Kunai and it fell right into Izumi's hands for her to use, she then stabbed him with his own blade, the ninja that was hit in the throat earlier recovered from his injury and tried to punch Izumi but the punch was intercepted by one of the formerly incapacitated guards who managed to get back up after his beating, only to be put back down on the floor with a single punch. Izumi used the distraction to quickly take down the Ninja, breaking his arm and stabbing the kunai into his back before finishing him off with a knee to the face and knocking him face up onto the ground and the knife pushed up through his body and poked up through his chest, the last that took the reverse headbutt from earlier witnessed Izumi's fighting prowess and decided to run when she turned towards him, and dove off the side of the roof to possibly escape, Izumi looked off the edge to see the ninja running away from the scene like a coward. Soon one of the guards got up and before he could speak Izumi gave him an order."[color=39b54a] Wake up your cohorts and bring them to Saya's interrogation room before the extended lunch ends, and make sure no one sees you, wrap them up in rugs if you can and use the excuse that you are putting them in the basement if someone ask what you are doing and stops you.[/color]" She told them. The guard nodded before waking the other guards up."[b] Thank you ma'am, and understood.[/b]" All the guards on the roof began to clean up the scene like the fight never happened and took care of the body on the ground. -Meanwhile in the Hall and lunch room of solitude- Sayaka knew that under her stoic expression she cared deeply about both of them, she followed behind Rei seeing all three of them as a little team like out of that ninja anime or manga, when Rei told her not to grope her in her sleep." [color=0072bc]Don't worry I won't if you don't ask, and since I don't sleep, I'll just watch over you both and keep you both safe.[/color]" She said to the blue haired girl sounding as if she had Rei's back. She watched as Rei pulled Addie along trying to stop her from cleaning the entire hall way due to her odd OCD taking over her brain and trying to make the hall perfect in her eyes, Sayaka sighed and just stayed quiet as they made their way to the canteen and when they arrived Rei fired a gun at a table and put two holes into the table, Sayaka turned to Rei and started to berate her."[color=0072bc] Rei !! That table had a family, and you just killed it in front of it's friends and family ![/color]" Sayaka yelled to her as she and Addie stood in line and Rei joined them. Suddenly a girl sat at their table that Rei marked and Sayaka pointed to the girl."[color=0072bc] Hey Rei someone stole the dead table you killed a second ago.[/color]" she pointed out to the blue haired girl and tried to focus Rei's attention to the girl or boy that stole a spot at their table.