Alvin stood silently, thankful he was blessed with companions as faithful as these. [color=0054a6]"Thank you, my friends."[/color] He listened carefully to Marwood's and Aldo's input. [color=0054a6]"Sion, if he is even aware of our mission, would expect to find us in Renais. I've no doubt that if he doesn't know now he very soon will."[/color] It was very difficult to argue when not one, but two of his companions argued for one course. Though one was arguing in, perhaps naive faith while the other was a callous, calculated insight that was tactically sound. Be that as it may it was a mortifying thought. If Sion attacked, use Renais as a distraction to slip away. Would they do that with Frelia also? [color=0054a6]"The only Jehannen who knows what I look like is their princess, and perhaps the king, though I was a young boy. And I find it very unlikely that Refeala would lead the manhunt for me herself, now if it were Marwood....."[/color] He shot his fellow prince a sideways smirk, he needed a bit of humour after how down his friend sounded at the thought of the Jehannen Princess. By that point, the bandits that had helped them escape still hadn't dispersed. Alvin didn't notice that fact until their leader spoke to him. [color=00a651]"You may know these woods like the back of your finely manicured hand, but you don't know these roads like a bandit's. The forests you hunt in are now crawling with Jehannen mercenaries, specifically the Dagger Guild, the Broken Blades and the Jagged Teeth, you wouldn't make it halfway to Renais before you were run down like dogs."[/color] The man drew closer to him with each step, the one side of his face obscured by his hair. His one visible eye was trained on ALvin so intensely it made him want to run and hide, still the prince was trained to maintain his posture no matter the situation. So he stood, stock straight staring the bandit dead in the eye. As the bandit leader drew closer though, Medea stirred behind the prince, a deep snarl rising in her throat as she raised her head to look at the the perceived threat. A swift word and gesture from Alvin was all it took for Medea to back down. Though she was still eying Archibald apprehensively. The bandit stopped in front of him, finishing with a single demand. [color=00a651]"Show me the stone."[/color] Alvin wasn't sure what to do. As far as he could tell these bandits didn't have them outnumbered, but maybe they had reinforcements. Maybe he wanted Alvin to show the stone so he could steal it, now or later. A tough call, and Alvin's mind went back and forth over and over again like a waterwheel until he finally reached into his pocket and seized the stone. Wordlessly showing it to the bandit in front of him.