[center][h2]Jack Goran|Dragon Fang Seating[/h2][/center] [center][@floodtalon][/center] [color=Turquoise]"If this involves your foolish gamble, I will keep my thoughts to myself. Despite my numerous warnings against it, you insist on betting."[/color] Master Jack watched Ammy's progress, who had dispatched several more suits of armor plus a fairly large carnivorous bird. Perhaps it was fortunate that his X-Class wizard hadn't run across another contestant, he wasn't sure anyone could match her level, though he was sure there was someone who wasn't letting all their strength show. [center][h2]James Hunt|Phoenix Wing Seating[/h2][/center] [center][@hatakekuro][/center] James looked away from the screen to Nolan. [color=Navy]"You didn't know she'd joined the guild?"[/color]