Shawn thought to offer help but it might make him seem stalkerish. He just met Olivia and she was accomplished. He had other things to get done and with the new information it would be easier. The thought of one more fish dinner made his mind for him. "Ok neighbor I'm going to go back to the new spots on the map. Thank you kindly for the help and the breakfast. Maybe I'll run into some tea for the evening." As she left the boat Shawn noticed he still had the grin on his face. She was a welcome sight and a good talker. Still there were others out there who were not. Shawn emptied the bag completely and filled a few water bottles. He took the crowbar and the knives. Locking the door he headed out. He waved as he walked past the boat and into the city. From her map it was easier to find the things he needed. He also found a gutted police uniform store. They always took the holsters and searched for guns but what Shawn grabbed was the vests and a helmet. He found a motorcycle store where he grabbed a motorcycle helmet(open face) with a better jacket with plastic plates to keep him safe from walker bites. Now he could venture a little deeper into the city to the department store. Sticking to the side walks and back alleys when he could to avoid any unwanted attention. He found a Starbucks. He loaded the side bags with various teas and a few he liked. He grabbed hand fulls of sugar packets. Shaw did run into a walker and as the dead man shambled to him Shawn took the hook end of the crowbar and bashed in its head. It was a long while since he had to kill one. Ever since his trip started from Tennessee he learned that only a head strike would stop them. Some times even his truck failed to kill them. It never go easier to think of the guys past. Maybe he had family that looked for the dead walker. Shawn shook his head and soldiered on. The department store would have tools and he wanted to pick up a DVD player but he thought better of it. Instead he grabbed a monopoly game and a few decks of playing cards. The money from the game would be used for the poker game. Although who didn't like monopoly? A few books also made there way into the bag. Moving his way back to the docks Shawn stopped and found a looted store. An electronic store. The risk was worth it. Shawn approached the store and found what he had been looking for. The rest of his bag was now full and he made his way back to the docks. Now his watch made the beep warning. He had to make it back. He was impressed with the days haul and the thought of Olivia still being their was making Shawn walk a little faster. As he stood on the edge of concrete that met with the dock he saw Olivia tying the boat to the dock. The smile that left during his outing, returned at the sight of his neighbors safe return. readjusting the backpack Shawn walked up the dock as he got closer to her boat he made the loud thuds with his boats as to announce his proximity. "Howdy neighbor. How was your day?" He waved at her and wore a warm smile.