[h3][color=f9ad81]|G A T A H A V E N|[/color][/h3] [center]--------------- ---------------[/center] Gata had gotten used to sleepless nights. Hot encloses, where sometimes the sky could peak through the holed roof, filled her mind with heavy white noise. Her eyes failed to close, too terrified of what could be waiting on the inside of her eyelids, and her mouth sucked in raspy breaths. Everything was either too loud or too quiet, and when she couldn't get comfortable she would rise up and continue reading. This routine has continued for many weeks now, even after she had arrived in Haven, even though Gata had silently hoped for all her worries to wash away after arriving into the safest place she had seen in awhile. But no, instead she stares at the rotting ceiling, hugging her journal to her chest as the snores of strangers surround her. Those noises had since faded, though, as the sun rose and the songs of crows replaced the snores and sighs of sleeping bodies. The cracked windows reflected the colors of orange and pink and white against the rough wood floor, revealing shadows of passing clouds and blowing soft gusts of chilling wind across the room. Morning had finally come, and Gata blinked as people rose around her, ready for another day of preparation. Preparation for, yes, that's right, winter was coming. They didn't have much time left, it seemed. Gata rose from her makeshift bedspread, rubbing the back of her head as she examined the now half-empty room with strained eyes. No one really around to view her tired face, good, she needed a few moments to perk up after all. Gata slapped her cheeks lightly, sighing loudly before rising to her feet, pulling on her worn boots before stepping off the bedspread and onto the splintered, wooden floor. She had finally arrived to Haven only a mere five days ago, and though they weren't exactly as welcoming as she hoped, they did take her in, and as long as she did her share of the work she would be allowed to stay. A simple trade, a good enough deal to keep Gata around and safe. She stretched as the floor creaked below her, groaning quietly before glancing down at her current "sleeping" spot. It was quite simple, really, a thick winter coat saved her back from the harsh wood floor, and her canvas bag acted as both a pillow and a luggage. Beside that, her usual clothes were messily folded, ready for another day of being worn for too long. Gata ran a hand through her hair, blinking as the short strands curled around her forehead before pulling together her outfit slowly, as if to waste the day away. Gata silently thanked God for the outfit she had, it was probably the best thing in her possession at the moment. All the materials were thick and heavy and dull in color, perfect for camouflaging among the western landscape and warm to boot. It could probably keep her alive for a good while now. After wrapping the shawl around her shoulder, Gata once again glanced down at her messy bed area. Eh, might as well clean up. She bent at the waist slightly, shoving her journal back into her old bag and folding the winter jacket until it was small enough to be unassuming. She slung her canvas bag over her shoulder, tucking the coat in wherever it could fit among the various books before heading out towards the main hall. The house was silent, save for creaking footsteps that formed as her boots clicked against the rotting floor, and Gata found herself feeling a bit anxious about stepping outside again. She wasn't exactly the strongest nor most helpful to the Haven, sure she did well with things like look out or watching the younger kids, but she was in no way one for heavy lifting or building. She didn't have the slightest clue about how she would spend the upcoming days as the others prepped for winter. And then her ears caught the sounds of a conversation. A man and a girl, talking in tones that varied from loving to arguing, discussed the current food shortage problem. Now, scavenging! That was an excellent idea, and Gata could definitely help out with something like that. Before she could enter the den to agree with the idea, someone brushed passed, a young girl probably only a few years younger than herself. Her face read 'annoyed' and her entire posture gave away her disappointment. Poor kid. Gata turned slightly, peering back into the room curiously. A somewhat familiar back came into a view, the back of an older man who often trudged around Haven with a grim look on his face. What was his name, Leo or something? Gata shrugged to herself before leaning against the door frame, her thin frame twisting slightly as a soft smile met her lips, "[b][color=f9ad81]Teenage angst, is it? You know, if you keep sheltering her she may rebel one of these days.[/color][/b]" Gata warned, images of her old friend from her high school years popping into her head. Poor guy, but it taught her that too much protection and sheltering made the heart grow curious. And reckless. There were lessons to be learned in moments of despair, it seemed. She shifted slightly at the thought, dark eyes wavering over the empty, light-dappled room quickly before once again focusing on Logan, head tilting ever so slightly as she awaited a response, hoping she appeared a cheery as she normally did.