[h3]Luna --- Crocus Maze[/h3] Luna would be slightly surprised when the Games Master appeared in front of her, and she crossed her arms. Partially to look defiant, and partially to cover a bloodstain that had started to soak through her clothes on her left side from when Phlegethon had hit her outside the first time. [color=0000FF]"F-fine then."[/color] Luna would turn around and start walking back out, stumbling after her second step after a moment. She would almost fall over, but she'd recover fairly quickly, but it was clear that the fight had taken more out of her than she was letting on. After her stumble, she'd walk with her back straight and her head high, but she'd keep covering her injury. [color=0000FF]"I guess I'll find someone or something else to fight"[/color] She'd smirk slightly, trying to sound tough, but she just ended up sounded silly. As she walked off, trying to hold herself tall and strong, showing as little injury as she could. [i]Maybe they're going to use the castle for another game.[/i] She'd think to herself as she got to the courtyard entrance, glancing back at the castle quickly.