Haskell stood from his seat, grateful that someone had cut off the television. He hadn't been watching the screen, but Haskell heard what he could only guess were the ravings of a madman. He strode out onto the loading ramp of the ferry, and then on to the dock. The temperature was perfect for his winter outfit. It would save him having to stop somewhere to change into his lighter clothes. Haskell spotted a trainer conversing with a rather scruffy looking man, and overheard something about meeting in a lab. Haskell surmised that the man must be the region's professor. He made a mental note of this lab meeting, it would probably be a good idea to stop there before starting his journey in Kosei. Eevee's silver head emerged from within Haskell's backpack. She yawned with a [i]squeak[/i], then began looking around whilst adjusting to the sunlight. Eevee's gaze locked on to one of the many wind turbines around the city, and she hummed curiously. Haskell turned his head to see what had piqued her interest, and spoke as a smile drew across his face, "Beautiful machines. They're called wind turbines. You'll be seeing plenty of them around here." They watched it spin for a short while, but Haskell soon remembered that they had places to be, and, realizing that there were several other trainers here, didn't particularly want to get stopped and play introductions. Haskell eased past a small group of trainers that seemed to be doing just that, and felt glad not to be caught up in it. He paid little interest to their appearances or their Pokemon, instead keeping an eye out for this laboratory as he opened a gap between him and the crowd that had disembarked from the boat. However, Eevee had done the opposite, breaking from her gaze at the turbines above. She gave all of them a once-over as Haskell had passed by, but decided it wasn't necessary to get Haskell's attention. As much as he liked to distance himself from other random trainers, Eevee sometimes went out of her way to conveniently stop him near people who were likely to start up a conversation. However, this time they really did have better things to do, and even if the other trainers had taken notice of them, Haskell wasn't going to stop now, she knew that well. Eevee let out a high-pitched sigh, and went back to her sight-seeing as Haskell pressed on through the town.