[center][img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/90dc4e1e54b5df01e95793fd6b78bf99/tumblr_nktvv4oODU1qhwzkvo4_1280.jpg[/img] [color=#cd96cd]|| Golden Brown[/color] [color=#d15fee]Eyes || Pl[/color][color=#ba55d3]um to Laven[/color][color=#b452cd]der Ombre || 5'[/color][color=#8b668b]7" || 132 lbs ||[/color][/center] [b]Name:[/b] [indent] [color=#cd96cd]Valencia De la Torre[/color][/indent] [b]Nickname:[/b] [indent]Valencia is extremely proud of her name so she rarely gives anyone her nickname. However, she would rather have someone shorten her name than having them butcher the pronunciation so she also goes by Viva.[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]Seventeen[/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b]Sexuality:[/b] [indent]Asexual[/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent] Valencia De la Torre is a perfect example of a cheeky brat. Due to little to no social interactions, she began to acquire an irritating attitude that resembled that of a judgmental prick. Although she's withdrawn and introverted, Valencia has a bad case of being outright hostile and volatile with anyone who dares interact with her. This makes it hard for her to ever maintain a conversation for too long or even keep proper eye contact when speaking. She's on this one track mind where the only person she can rely on is herself. But fear not! Valencia can make a mean lasagna when she wants to. [/indent] [b] [color=#cd96cd]「✓」[/color][/b] [color=#cd96cd]•[/color] Trees [color=#cd96cd]•[/color] Parks [color=#cd96cd]•[/color] Animals (all of them cuties) [color=#cd96cd]•[/color] Lasagna [b] [color=#cd96cd]「✖」[/color][/b] [color=#cd96cd]•[/color] People [color=#cd96cd]•[/color] Dolls [color=#cd96cd]•[/color] Hospitals [color=#cd96cd]•[/color] Cantaloupe [b]Biography:[/b] [indent]Valencia went through a bumpy childhood; Her parents passed away when she was just a tod in an unlucky car accident. After her parents death, since her family was never dependent on relatives, their relationship was rather frail thus no one wanted to take the responsibility of taking care of Valencia. She was shuffled from aunt to cousin to uncle and to aunt all over again. Her living situation was so irregular that Valencia's idea of relationships became extremely warped. School wasn't any better either. Since she never stayed at a school for too long, she was never able to make any actual friends. Valencia only ever found solace when she was surrounded by nature; it made her feel less lonely in a sense. As she grew older, Valencia grew bitter. The girl who kept to herself began to actively act out in an in a futile attempt to find some sense of purpose. She's tried every form of delinquency, drugs, drinking, clubbing, shoplifting, fake ID, fighting, just name it. She never stuck too long with any though, since she never felt like she belonged. She was malicious, sullen, and spiteful. An Aunt that was supposedly "taking care" of her at the time had enough of dealing with Valencia's constant misconduct decided on enrolling her in Fae High School. Unfortunately, all the paperwork and enrollment fees (as well as tuition) was paid by Valencia's inheritance money, which really wasn't enough considering the cost of the school. Knowing this, and the very fact that its a reform school, Valencia is abhorrently against attending the school and will do everything in her power to leave.[/indent] [b]Habits:[/b] [indent]Valencia is prone to making random, peculiar--sometimes even inhuman--noises. When lying, she tends to slightly scrunch up her nose. This subconscious reaction was more prominent when she was younger, but it gradually became more subtle. Valencia always has this weird habit of talking about a person's unique scent; she calls it their signature scent.[/indent] [b]Fears:[/b] [indent]She's afraid of dolls. More specifically, she hates dolls that mimic human-like features. China dolls are no fun either. [/indent] [b]Other:[/b] [indent]Valencia has a nose ring as well as a small [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/23/8b/7f/238b7f27d08cfcd34259cfe3ae7d1667.jpg]tattoo[/url] at the nape of her neck, it's usually hidden by her voluminous hair. [/indent]