[Hider=Rules] -Be at least eighteen -This story may later on involve the child mentioned in the plot becoming very sick, possibly fatally so. If you can't handle that, don't apply. -No godmodding -No Gary Stues -Do not take control of my character. People who do this annoy me to no end. If you absolutely need to make her do something for the sake of your post, just ask if I'm okay with it. Otherwise, just don't do it. -Make sure that I can understand what you wrote. I'm on this site to rp, not to decipher a mess of grammar, spelling and punctuation errors. -Don't just stop responding. If you're no longer interested or won't be able to respond for a while, just let me know and I promise that I won't bite. -Try to post at least two decent paragraphs and we're good. -One reply a day is good to me, but multiple replies a day are wonderful. [/Hider] [Hider=Plot]For years, scientists have attempted to create completely artificial life in human form, and they are getting close. The artificially created children are exactly the same as a "natural" child, except for the way they are created: by scientists, in a cold, sterile laboratory, no egg or sperm cell being used in the proces. Several of those children were already made, but each and one of them was flawed in a way, and none of them survived long after being let out of their tubes. But now, one of them is proving to be very promising: a little girl called Tamara. The name was given to her by a scientist, and the others soon picked up on the habit. So far, Tamara has done well and as usual, is let out of her tube at the age of four. She is assigned to a scientist who will be her perciever. The scientist takes the girl home, raises her and teaches her what she needs to know, and most importantly, observes the subject and keeps track of her progress. The scientist is strictly forbidden not to bond with Tamara, he must see her as nothing more than what she is to the other scientists: just another subject that could fail and die at any time, nothing that one should bond with. But the more Tamara learns, grows and becomes emotionally attatched to her perciever, the scientist can't help but bonding to her in a similar way.[/Hider] As made clear in the plot, this rp will be focusing on the bond between a scientist and an experiment, an artificially made child. Because if this, romance will not at all be the main focus, but instead the motherly or fatherly kind of love of a parent for their child. The scientist may already have a family and I would be willing to rp a husband or wife, but only as a side character.