[center][h2]Thor[/h2] Near Frenzy Plant Argus[/center] Thor was dragging themselfs back to the Frenzy Plant encampment to train a little more with what they had there and eventually get some rest. It's been a good 32 houres since Thor had last slept and the electricity she had been sending to her brain didn't keep her to much longer awake either. Thor's focus was almost completly gone since Thor was only thinking about sleep right about now. Thor noticed a guy flying their way but was to late to do anything about it and was quickly taken down with him "Oof" Thor landed on the ground with the guy landing on top of them. As soon as they hit the ground Thor immediatly turned their body into lightning not really caring if they shocked the guy or not and landed next to him in a defensive fight pose. Thor was lightly panting and looked very tired. Their legs and arms were completly covered in bruises and the sweat was for the most part still on their forehead. Looking closer now the man seemed friendly and not in any way ready for combat either way so it was fine to drop the defense for now. Thor looked up at him with cold excausted eyes and noticed his weird red eyes with black eyes. Thor wanted to write what that was about but was to tired to even get some paper or even standing upright. Every 2 seconds Thor needed to focus again to keep themself upright. Another shock would for sure help right now so Thor sended another jolt of electricity to their brain which hurted quite a bit in fact. Thor grabbed hold of the back of their neck and gritted their teeth. It felt a little better now and the sleep was mostly gone but it still hurted like hell. Thor shook their head a little and could focus a little better for now. They listened to their small talk and took the pen and paper and franticlly started writing "It's fine, could have dodged it but to sleepy. Name = THOR and me was just heading back to the camp. We can walk together?" Thor looked a few seconds at him when he held out his hand but shook their head widely "Don't want to hurt. No shaking today." Thor could have tried shaking the man his hand but a lot of focus was required to even just touch something without electrocuting it. Thor gave a yawn and taught of a previous question that was intresting them "Why so weird eyes?" Thor wrote down and showed him before starting to walk.