[@Kurisa][@rusty4297][@Axel][@KillBox][@Oblivion666][@Kitsune] Sai turned toward the Shinigami who requested to join her group after watching both Koyo-shi and Captain Shuiji disappear. Smiling at the stray Shinigmai, Sai nodded her head in acceptance. [color=a187be][b]"Of course you can join my Squad temporarily, we welcome everyone with open arms! So, what's your name Shinigami? You may call me Captain Yoshi, my full surname can be a mouthful at times heh"[/b][/color] Sai chuckled, finding a place to sit on the grass and wait. Being the Captain of Squad Thirteen meant that Sai knew this world better than anyone else would, she had been in control of it's protection for many many years now, however she chose to purposely withdraw from finding a base for this reason. This was an excellent opportunity to allow her Lieutenant, Koyo-shi, gain more knowledge of the place she was also in charge of protecting. Leaning back and placing her hands, palms faced down, on the grass behind her, Sai looked up into the clear skies. She wondered how this whole ordeal would play out, although she knew things wouldn't be as simple as they may seem... This was refreshing though, it had been a while since Sai was needed in action.