Don't really have anything yet, but thought I should post it so you know im still here. [hider=WIP N.S] Nation Name: Kingdom of Odesh Flag: (Optional) [hider=Government and Economy] Type of Government: Elective Monarchy (Try to go into some detail here, every government is different and even if you just say absolute monarchy you can still provide some information about how that monarchy works and its internal politics.) Head(s) of Government: (Who holds the highest office in the nation, if anyone?) Economy: (Wealth and the flow of it, you should know the effect this can have.) [/hider] [hider=History, Demographics, and Culture.] Primary Species: Human Population: (Self-explanatory, be internally consistent and fit your population to your nation.) Culture: (This is often the most neglected, yet most important section. How you fill this out determines how other nations see you and how the normal people in your nation will act in nearly every situation. What norms have been prevalent, what acts are taboos? Why have these things come about? Try to remember culture is a vital part of any NS.) Religious and other Beliefs: (Spirituality or secularism can be a huge part of peoples identities, so what do your people believe?) History: (This is one section you really can’t fill out alone. Iron Rain is indisputably a sandbox in that you’ve only been given vague details and a theme. So it is VITAL you collaborate with your neighbours and other players not just to craft your own history, but to craft the history of the greater world around you.) [/hider] [hider=Geography, Agriculture, and Industry] Territory: (Be considerate of others, but also be aware we need space filled. Put your map claim here.) Climate: (Our world is warmer than Earth, but not by too much. Northern climates will have the same difficulties as they would have in the real world and other climates can be said to be much the same. Feel free to be detailed here; a temperature doesn’t make a climate so be specific about any geographical details.) Cities, bases, etc: (This can be a list, or an internal map.) Agriculture: (Dependant on your climate and other factors, this can be shorter but as always detail means a better world to RP in.) Industry: Gun manufacturers - Odeshian Arms Havmaka Worskruch Firearms Wallace and Co Odeshian guns - [u]OD1901 Repeater[/u] A bolt action rifle, invented by an Odeshian military engineer in 1901. The rifle chambers 5, 7.7×56mm cartridges via loading of an internal magazine from the top with stripper clips. The rifle is easily mass produced and is known for its comfortable recoil and power. A carbine version is also available (OD1901 Repeater Carbine). [u]Worskruch Revolver MkII[/u] A revolver, invented by Johnathon Worskruch in 1886, this design improved upon the previous via the addition of a double action feature, allowing the user to continuously fire the firearm without pulling back the hammer manually. The revolver is loaded via a top break action, loading 6, 11.43×23mm cartridges. [u]Wallace Repeater(WR) Handgun[/u] A semi automatic handgun, Invented by Wallace and co in 1909, the handgun is still in testing and limited amounts of them have been given to select groups. The weapon fires 11.43×23mm cartridges and is loaded by a magazine inserted in the grip, the magazines can hold 10 rounds. The weapon is more likely to jam than the Worskruch Revolver but it can be reloaded faster and contains more ammunition than its 6 shot rival. (It’s an RP about this, so tell me what sort of industry does your nation have?) [/hider] [hider=Military] Military: Infantry Navy Foreign Intelligence (I don’t really have a set way for you to do this, and people usually tend to differ a lot in these sections. So have some freedom, write what you like, but don’t abuse it.) [/hider] [/hider]